Irritating Surveyor
There were more than one irritating phone calls today and they kept ringing again and again even though I made hostile confrontations to the caller. The caller was supposed to perform a survey on me asking questions like number of independents and dependents in my household, family total income, estimated monthly expenditure, et cetera. Even though I answered these questions in a half-hearted attitude and of course some were deemed fictitious, the man kept his cool and continued his interview in his utmost politeness. I guessed the survey was not going to end so soon and so I ended the call by telling him to call back later. Yes he really did call back later but this time of course no one gonna answered his many call-back-later calls.
Computer, Technology, Databases, Google, Internet, Mobile, Linux, Microsoft, Open Source, Security, Social Media, Web Development, Business, Finance
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Went to Junction 8 MPH today in search for a book titled "F.O.C Freedom of Choice" by Leslie but again it is out of stock. Guess I should not try on MPH anymore and move on to other bookstores like Kinokuniya, Borders or even the Times. Hope to get it by this weekend.
This actually took place yesterday. The after 12AM bugged my post.
Went to Junction 8 MPH today in search for a book titled "F.O.C Freedom of Choice" by Leslie but again it is out of stock. Guess I should not try on MPH anymore and move on to other bookstores like Kinokuniya, Borders or even the Times. Hope to get it by this weekend.
This actually took place yesterday. The after 12AM bugged my post.
Shocking News
Cameroon's Foe dies after semi-final
It's really unfortunate that he died at such a young age. "Boys, even if it means dying on the pitch, we must win this semifinal", Marc-Vivien Foe told his Cameroon teammates at halftime of Thursday's Confederations Cup match against Colombia. Thirty minutes later, the midfielder collapsed without warning in the center circle. He died soon afterwards.
Foe became the latest name on soccer's tragic list.
I may not be Lyon's, City's nor am Cameroon's football fan but I felt real sad for the football world. May he be in peace.
Cameroon's Foe dies after semi-final
It's really unfortunate that he died at such a young age. "Boys, even if it means dying on the pitch, we must win this semifinal", Marc-Vivien Foe told his Cameroon teammates at halftime of Thursday's Confederations Cup match against Colombia. Thirty minutes later, the midfielder collapsed without warning in the center circle. He died soon afterwards.
Foe became the latest name on soccer's tragic list.
I may not be Lyon's, City's nor am Cameroon's football fan but I felt real sad for the football world. May he be in peace.
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Didn't meant it
I didn't meant to tattle and be a hypocrite or a gossiper. I hope the other community members in EE will understand that I am not a frequent patron of the Lounge and thus the sotong is innocent. Felt really guilty by the below comment.
"damn hong - how could you? I can't believe that you tattled."
I didn't meant to tattle and be a hypocrite or a gossiper. I hope the other community members in EE will understand that I am not a frequent patron of the Lounge and thus the sotong is innocent. Felt really guilty by the below comment.
"damn hong - how could you? I can't believe that you tattled."
Thursday, June 26, 2003
How to Relieve Boredom
The next time you are really bored stiff, here are some last ditch ideas to keep you entertained:
Pay off your MasterCard with your Visa.
Pop some popcorn without putting on the lid.
When someone says, "Have a nice day," tell them you have other plans.
Send yourself a CandyGram.
Have a tea party with your pets.
Make a list of things to do that you have already done.
Put your toddler's clothes on backwards and send him to school as if nothing was wrong.
Write checks with Roman numerals.
Write "Out to lunch" on your forehead.
Leaf through a National Geographic and draw clothes on everybody.
Drive to the store in reverse.
Start a nasty rumor and see if you recognise it when it comes back to you.
Read the dictionary backwards and look for hidden messages.
Bill your doctor for time spent in the waiting room.
Stare at people through the tines of a fork and pretend they're in jail.
Make up a language and stop someone to ask for directions.
Write a short story using alphabet soup.
Talk to your fish.
Kill roaches with a monkey wrench while playing Wagnerian arias.
Start conversations with people that start with, "Did you ever wonder why..."
Burn all your waste paper while eyeing your roommate suspiciously.
Buy a complete set of Transformers. Play with them loudly. If people comment, tell them with a straight face, "They're more than meets the eye."
The next time you are really bored stiff, here are some last ditch ideas to keep you entertained:
Pay off your MasterCard with your Visa.
Pop some popcorn without putting on the lid.
When someone says, "Have a nice day," tell them you have other plans.
Send yourself a CandyGram.
Have a tea party with your pets.
Make a list of things to do that you have already done.
Put your toddler's clothes on backwards and send him to school as if nothing was wrong.
Write checks with Roman numerals.
Write "Out to lunch" on your forehead.
Leaf through a National Geographic and draw clothes on everybody.
Drive to the store in reverse.
Start a nasty rumor and see if you recognise it when it comes back to you.
Read the dictionary backwards and look for hidden messages.
Bill your doctor for time spent in the waiting room.
Stare at people through the tines of a fork and pretend they're in jail.
Make up a language and stop someone to ask for directions.
Write a short story using alphabet soup.
Talk to your fish.
Kill roaches with a monkey wrench while playing Wagnerian arias.
Start conversations with people that start with, "Did you ever wonder why..."
Burn all your waste paper while eyeing your roommate suspiciously.
Buy a complete set of Transformers. Play with them loudly. If people comment, tell them with a straight face, "They're more than meets the eye."
Mr BoombaStick
These really brighten up my day.
These really brighten up my day.
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Courage Fund Concert
I went to the courage fund yesterday. As planned, my brother and I reached Sentosa at around 2pm. We then took the blue line shuttle bus to the underwater world before embarking on a walk around Sentosa mission. From there, we walked through Jungle Trail, Butterfly Garden, Amphitheatre, Merlion Walk, Musical Fountain and then back to gateway carkpark where the concert was held. From 5:30pm, we started forming up at the open patch 50 metres away from the stage. We are considered one of the early birds.
10 minutes before the concert commenced, some advertisements are played on the 3 big projector screens showing upcoming concerts. Whenever Elva Hsiao's July concert advertisement was played, fans cheered for she was one of the celebrities for the night, however, whenever Fan Yi Qing's (an oldies) concert was played, they jeered and some even made nasty comments like "quite unbelieveable for having 60% tickets sold out".
Concert kicked off with Shin Xing Yue Tuan, a Taiwanese rock band, playing their instruments and the main lead singer raising the entire atmosphere. I would grade them 10 out of 10 for the excellent rock music created, the main singer great display of his vocal talents especially when he sang the "One night in Beijing" song. That song was meant to be a duet with the female singer singing in opera mode. However, the main singer of Shin sang it alone switching from male to female vocal when necessary. That was really entertaining. They reminded me of "Beyond".
The next celebrity was Elva Hsiao. As usual, she always wore cargo pants during concert performances. Many cheered for her dance moves. I would grade her 8 out of 10.
One of the celebrities was Fan Wei Qi. I would say she had got an excellent vocal and her popularity cannot be underestimated. When she sang the "Qi Chen" song, almost all sang along with her and that really impressed me. She had got a mature and pretty looks and her voice was deep and mature. I like her a lot. I would grade her 10 out of 10.
Newcomer Xiao Xiao was also one of the celebrities. She was nicknamed "Beautiful Angel" for her cute and sweet looks and voice. She really reminded me of Fan Xiao Juan. I would say she was just a normal next door girl I'd seen. Her grade was 7 out of 10.
Elva's rival for the status princess, Jolin Tsai, made her appearance towards the end of the concert and I would say she attracted more support from the 20K fans. I liked Elva more than Jolin for her better vocal. I would grade her 8 out of 10.
The very last performer for the night was 5566, a Taiwan boy band. The opening of their performance started off with series of fireworks display, video clips display on projector, anticipation by fans, screams et cetera, simply fantastic. The moment they pop out from nowhere, many screamed like never before - really incredible. For their swift dance moves, pleasant vocals, excellent atmosphere created just like what Shin did for the opening, I would grade them 10 out of 10.
I went to the courage fund yesterday. As planned, my brother and I reached Sentosa at around 2pm. We then took the blue line shuttle bus to the underwater world before embarking on a walk around Sentosa mission. From there, we walked through Jungle Trail, Butterfly Garden, Amphitheatre, Merlion Walk, Musical Fountain and then back to gateway carkpark where the concert was held. From 5:30pm, we started forming up at the open patch 50 metres away from the stage. We are considered one of the early birds.
10 minutes before the concert commenced, some advertisements are played on the 3 big projector screens showing upcoming concerts. Whenever Elva Hsiao's July concert advertisement was played, fans cheered for she was one of the celebrities for the night, however, whenever Fan Yi Qing's (an oldies) concert was played, they jeered and some even made nasty comments like "quite unbelieveable for having 60% tickets sold out".
Concert kicked off with Shin Xing Yue Tuan, a Taiwanese rock band, playing their instruments and the main lead singer raising the entire atmosphere. I would grade them 10 out of 10 for the excellent rock music created, the main singer great display of his vocal talents especially when he sang the "One night in Beijing" song. That song was meant to be a duet with the female singer singing in opera mode. However, the main singer of Shin sang it alone switching from male to female vocal when necessary. That was really entertaining. They reminded me of "Beyond".
The next celebrity was Elva Hsiao. As usual, she always wore cargo pants during concert performances. Many cheered for her dance moves. I would grade her 8 out of 10.
One of the celebrities was Fan Wei Qi. I would say she had got an excellent vocal and her popularity cannot be underestimated. When she sang the "Qi Chen" song, almost all sang along with her and that really impressed me. She had got a mature and pretty looks and her voice was deep and mature. I like her a lot. I would grade her 10 out of 10.
Newcomer Xiao Xiao was also one of the celebrities. She was nicknamed "Beautiful Angel" for her cute and sweet looks and voice. She really reminded me of Fan Xiao Juan. I would say she was just a normal next door girl I'd seen. Her grade was 7 out of 10.
Elva's rival for the status princess, Jolin Tsai, made her appearance towards the end of the concert and I would say she attracted more support from the 20K fans. I liked Elva more than Jolin for her better vocal. I would grade her 8 out of 10.
The very last performer for the night was 5566, a Taiwan boy band. The opening of their performance started off with series of fireworks display, video clips display on projector, anticipation by fans, screams et cetera, simply fantastic. The moment they pop out from nowhere, many screamed like never before - really incredible. For their swift dance moves, pleasant vocals, excellent atmosphere created just like what Shin did for the opening, I would grade them 10 out of 10.
Friday, June 20, 2003
Preparing for tomorrow's Concert
I have got hold of four free tickets for tomorrow's Courage Fund concert which will be held at Sentosa and will officially start at around 2130. I gave away two tickets to a poly mate and as for the other two, I decide to use them for my elder brother and myself. My brother and I went shopping today for tomorrow's tea break. That is definitely necessary because food and drinks in Sentosa will surely be more expensive than normal prices and we do not wish to be "slaughtered" like those tourists.
So excited.
I have got hold of four free tickets for tomorrow's Courage Fund concert which will be held at Sentosa and will officially start at around 2130. I gave away two tickets to a poly mate and as for the other two, I decide to use them for my elder brother and myself. My brother and I went shopping today for tomorrow's tea break. That is definitely necessary because food and drinks in Sentosa will surely be more expensive than normal prices and we do not wish to be "slaughtered" like those tourists.
So excited.
Thursday, June 19, 2003
My Guess Is Wrong
The man who did a long dip into the tank will not be prosecuted since tests carried out on the shark corpse by biologists did not offer enough proof that it died because of the stress.
Thank god.
The man who did a long dip into the tank will not be prosecuted since tests carried out on the shark corpse by biologists did not offer enough proof that it died because of the stress.
Thank god.
Naked man scares shark to death
Wonder what will happen to the man. Since it says that type of shark is susceptible to stress, I think most probably the man could be charged. This is one of the weirdest crimes ever committed and should go into the Guinness World of Records. Just imagine what will the man going to answer to his inmates if they ask about how he get into jail and what will the rest of the inmates going to react after learning of the crime he committed.
Wonder what will happen to the man. Since it says that type of shark is susceptible to stress, I think most probably the man could be charged. This is one of the weirdest crimes ever committed and should go into the Guinness World of Records. Just imagine what will the man going to answer to his inmates if they ask about how he get into jail and what will the rest of the inmates going to react after learning of the crime he committed.
Rather Die Than Watch Cartoons
I would rather die than watch cartoons or animes. I just don't have the bit of interest in them and need not say "Finding Nemo". A friend of mine invited me for a "Finding Nemo" movie outing but I rejected him flat by replying "No lah. Me dun watch cartoon". I know I am bad but that's just me.
I would rather die than watch cartoons or animes. I just don't have the bit of interest in them and need not say "Finding Nemo". A friend of mine invited me for a "Finding Nemo" movie outing but I rejected him flat by replying "No lah. Me dun watch cartoon". I know I am bad but that's just me.
Friend's Birthday
Today is my friend's Jeffery birthday and sad to say he has got to celebrate his birthday in camp. No offs or leaves for him for this whole week until next tuesday for he is doing alert red (military jargon which means on standby). Celebrated his birthday this early morning 12AM with platoon mates. A cake and some sabotaging were some of his birthday gifts. Hope to upload some photos here next time.
Today is my friend's Jeffery birthday and sad to say he has got to celebrate his birthday in camp. No offs or leaves for him for this whole week until next tuesday for he is doing alert red (military jargon which means on standby). Celebrated his birthday this early morning 12AM with platoon mates. A cake and some sabotaging were some of his birthday gifts. Hope to upload some photos here next time.
"Any Key"
I tried to do a search in Compaq site on the term "Any Key" and below hyperlink was what they gave me.
I find it may be interesting to share with you.
I tried to do a search in Compaq site on the term "Any Key" and below hyperlink was what they gave me.
I find it may be interesting to share with you.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Complex Dream
This happened on Tuesday 17th June 2003.
I had a rather complex and complicated dream. I woke up feeling fatigue and lethargic but still, I got to turn up for today's SAF Day rehearsal. I knew for sure today would be a long and tiring day for me considering I slept at around 12:45am but woke up at around 6:30am. Not only I did not have 7 hours of sleep, I had got less than 7 hours of peaceful, dreamless sleep.
Before I turn in to sleep, my mind was already filled with worries, problems, possible solutions to the many problems and worries I have in hand. I will not go about describing the nature of the problem here until it is solved. With a heavy mind I doubt no one will be able to have soundful sleep.
I couldn't remember was I the one driving or was that my friend. To make things more complicated, I couldn't even remember who was that friend of mine. We were travelling along a long stretch of road and were on our way to a church via KJE. In my dream, the last remaining stretch of KJE we were travelling would only lead us to one place - the church. Out of nowhere, an old man jogging towards us on the same lane were in sight. We did not even bother to decelerate nor change lane assuming a sane normal person would definitely not want to compete with a fast moving 4 wheeled vehicle. There was no sign of the old man giving in to us even though we were within unsafe distance from him. I was not sure whether was I or was my friend took the initiative to change lane keeping left all the way avoiding knocking onto the old man at the same time looking at our rear and side mirrors to see if he had gone nuts. Just like seconds ago, he was there, jogging on the same spot, meaning to say he actually did not even move an inch from his spot. He was merely jogging on the spot. Obviously he was out of his mind.
Thinking the weirdest part was over, next came two seductive and sexily dressed ladies. Similar to the previous scenairo with the old man, they stood like models on the same lane as us waiting for us to approach. This time, we stopped right in front of the two ladies. Both the two ladies then hopped onto the back seats of the car. Before telling us that they were actually suicide bombers from a Islamic extremists group hoping to dissuade anyone travelling along this stretch of KJE towards the church, they did a typical bar girl ultimate seducing moves on us attempting to turn us on.
That was my dream, complex and complicated as the title described with a "To be continued" ending. I took almost half an hour doing some recap on what I had just dreamt, hoping to remember every bit of it for I knew it was never going to be easy. Who wakes up and remembers every details of a dream anyway. I also did an analysis on the dream and made a conclusion on the extremists group standard operations. They had got two "layers" providing as shields blocking anyone from visiting a church. The first layer comprises of either old man or the ugly ones. The second layer comprises of either a beauty or a hercules. If the first layer fails to accomplish its task then the second layer shall ensure accomplishment of motive. No matter how cheap or unscrupulous the method is used, motive must be met.
All because of lack of sleep and worries problems and more problems, I wasn't feeling super during the rehearsal. Sgt Ong and I decided to fall out and be the reserves for the second actual timing rehearsal of the day. Guess Sgt Ong had too much of mahjong yesterday. Sad to hear from RSM, because of us backing off as reserves, we may be punished for that - 3 EXTRAS for that. Hope RSM will not be so harsh.
This happened on Tuesday 17th June 2003.
I had a rather complex and complicated dream. I woke up feeling fatigue and lethargic but still, I got to turn up for today's SAF Day rehearsal. I knew for sure today would be a long and tiring day for me considering I slept at around 12:45am but woke up at around 6:30am. Not only I did not have 7 hours of sleep, I had got less than 7 hours of peaceful, dreamless sleep.
Before I turn in to sleep, my mind was already filled with worries, problems, possible solutions to the many problems and worries I have in hand. I will not go about describing the nature of the problem here until it is solved. With a heavy mind I doubt no one will be able to have soundful sleep.
I couldn't remember was I the one driving or was that my friend. To make things more complicated, I couldn't even remember who was that friend of mine. We were travelling along a long stretch of road and were on our way to a church via KJE. In my dream, the last remaining stretch of KJE we were travelling would only lead us to one place - the church. Out of nowhere, an old man jogging towards us on the same lane were in sight. We did not even bother to decelerate nor change lane assuming a sane normal person would definitely not want to compete with a fast moving 4 wheeled vehicle. There was no sign of the old man giving in to us even though we were within unsafe distance from him. I was not sure whether was I or was my friend took the initiative to change lane keeping left all the way avoiding knocking onto the old man at the same time looking at our rear and side mirrors to see if he had gone nuts. Just like seconds ago, he was there, jogging on the same spot, meaning to say he actually did not even move an inch from his spot. He was merely jogging on the spot. Obviously he was out of his mind.
Thinking the weirdest part was over, next came two seductive and sexily dressed ladies. Similar to the previous scenairo with the old man, they stood like models on the same lane as us waiting for us to approach. This time, we stopped right in front of the two ladies. Both the two ladies then hopped onto the back seats of the car. Before telling us that they were actually suicide bombers from a Islamic extremists group hoping to dissuade anyone travelling along this stretch of KJE towards the church, they did a typical bar girl ultimate seducing moves on us attempting to turn us on.
That was my dream, complex and complicated as the title described with a "To be continued" ending. I took almost half an hour doing some recap on what I had just dreamt, hoping to remember every bit of it for I knew it was never going to be easy. Who wakes up and remembers every details of a dream anyway. I also did an analysis on the dream and made a conclusion on the extremists group standard operations. They had got two "layers" providing as shields blocking anyone from visiting a church. The first layer comprises of either old man or the ugly ones. The second layer comprises of either a beauty or a hercules. If the first layer fails to accomplish its task then the second layer shall ensure accomplishment of motive. No matter how cheap or unscrupulous the method is used, motive must be met.
All because of lack of sleep and worries problems and more problems, I wasn't feeling super during the rehearsal. Sgt Ong and I decided to fall out and be the reserves for the second actual timing rehearsal of the day. Guess Sgt Ong had too much of mahjong yesterday. Sad to hear from RSM, because of us backing off as reserves, we may be punished for that - 3 EXTRAS for that. Hope RSM will not be so harsh.
Sunday, June 15, 2003
Saturday, June 14, 2003
What matrix are you?

You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, June 13, 2003
A new found friend
I got to know a gal on a IT forum and realised she was from TP studying computer engineering. Currently, she works as a software developer cum web developer with 10 months working experience. From her participation in the IT forum, I would say she is a great expert. From what we converse during our ICQ sessions, she has got great enthusiaism, interests in programming, hardcore programming to be specific. Her poly grades were mostly As, some Bs, 1 C which happened to be a language module, and a couple of Dists. Perhaps got to psycho her one day to teach me .NET.
She told me her family is not so well-to-do and she used to work to pay for her own poly school fee. Wonder how this was done. I know the feeling of working at the same time while studying as I used to do that to earn for my own pocket money but not to pay for my school fee of course.
Great to know her.
I got to know a gal on a IT forum and realised she was from TP studying computer engineering. Currently, she works as a software developer cum web developer with 10 months working experience. From her participation in the IT forum, I would say she is a great expert. From what we converse during our ICQ sessions, she has got great enthusiaism, interests in programming, hardcore programming to be specific. Her poly grades were mostly As, some Bs, 1 C which happened to be a language module, and a couple of Dists. Perhaps got to psycho her one day to teach me .NET.
She told me her family is not so well-to-do and she used to work to pay for her own poly school fee. Wonder how this was done. I know the feeling of working at the same time while studying as I used to do that to earn for my own pocket money but not to pay for my school fee of course.
Great to know her.
Thursday, June 12, 2003
We are outcasts
It rained in the midst of a SAF rehearsal today and all the Guard of Honour personnels were called to seek shelter by the parade RSM. As for the supporting contigent like myself, we got to run all the way to the stadium which is approximately 500 metres away from the parade square. This was what we got!
I do not see any differences between the GOH and the supporting contingents. In fact, I conclude we are the more "siong" lot. We wear No. 4 and they wear T-shirts during rehearsals; We carry SAR-21s which are heavier than those of their M-16s; Throughout the entire parade, our SAR-21 are slung onto our neck while their M-16s are usually rested standing on the ground; Every rest time, we got to march 500 metres to the stadium for rest while they are allowed to stay around the parade square. So guess who are more "siong".
It rained in the midst of a SAF rehearsal today and all the Guard of Honour personnels were called to seek shelter by the parade RSM. As for the supporting contigent like myself, we got to run all the way to the stadium which is approximately 500 metres away from the parade square. This was what we got!
I do not see any differences between the GOH and the supporting contingents. In fact, I conclude we are the more "siong" lot. We wear No. 4 and they wear T-shirts during rehearsals; We carry SAR-21s which are heavier than those of their M-16s; Throughout the entire parade, our SAR-21 are slung onto our neck while their M-16s are usually rested standing on the ground; Every rest time, we got to march 500 metres to the stadium for rest while they are allowed to stay around the parade square. So guess who are more "siong".
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
What does Ph.D Stands For?
I have my own say.
PhD = Permanent Head Damage
More definitions here
Isn't that interesting?
I have my own say.
PhD = Permanent Head Damage
More definitions here
Isn't that interesting?
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Nokia Setback
Finally nokia has got its retribution for selling phones with flickering screens. I do experience this problem in my N6610.
Nokia faces US class-action threat over mobile LCDs
Nokia Australia set to admit to phone defects
Wonder will Samsung surpass Nokia one day just like how they did that to Ecrisson once.
Finally nokia has got its retribution for selling phones with flickering screens. I do experience this problem in my N6610.
Nokia faces US class-action threat over mobile LCDs
Nokia Australia set to admit to phone defects
Wonder will Samsung surpass Nokia one day just like how they did that to Ecrisson once.
Blogger Really Sucks
It realy sucks. Attempted to make a post minutes ago but then end up encountering a message saying blogger is not available cuz they are doing some maintenance. Perhaps I need to be more understanding and apologize to them for criticising them "Blogger Reall Sucks" for I know jolly well that servers need to be restarted to free memory, etc.
Any blog users thinking of creating own blog of their own?
It realy sucks. Attempted to make a post minutes ago but then end up encountering a message saying blogger is not available cuz they are doing some maintenance. Perhaps I need to be more understanding and apologize to them for criticising them "Blogger Reall Sucks" for I know jolly well that servers need to be restarted to free memory, etc.
Any blog users thinking of creating own blog of their own?
Brush Up
I keep telling myself to brush up on my programming but then I usually end up procrastinating. Do a recap on Java, study on XML, .NET and stuffs but then I usually end up in a IT forum doing ASP, VB for the entire 2 years or so from the day I graduated. How I wish the world only has got ASP and VB so that I need not worry about anything else. Got to do some Java NOW!
I keep telling myself to brush up on my programming but then I usually end up procrastinating. Do a recap on Java, study on XML, .NET and stuffs but then I usually end up in a IT forum doing ASP, VB for the entire 2 years or so from the day I graduated. How I wish the world only has got ASP and VB so that I need not worry about anything else. Got to do some Java NOW!
Contributions Needed
I need contributions for my hongjun.wap webbie in any form, static wallpapers or animated gif. Site is growing at an inverse exponential downslope rate!
I need contributions for my hongjun.wap webbie in any form, static wallpapers or animated gif. Site is growing at an inverse exponential downslope rate!
Monday, June 09, 2003
Yoghurt Bread
Got a taste of Yoghurt Bread today. Bought it from a confectionery at Toa Payoh and it comes in aluminum mould similar to egg tarts. The only difference is that Yoghurt Bread moulds are made just size fitting which means getting them out of the moulds can be a great feat. Thought I could enjoy the bread on a bus while on my way home but I end up trying to squeeze, pull, finger out the bread from the mould. I ended up using the most innovative method and that was to take the bread as a mango, imagining the base of the aluminium mould as the base skin of a mango, the Yoghurt bread as its flesh, and using my fingers to push out the flesh by pushing the "skin" inverted. Hmm... Guess you understand what am I writing... yes just like eating a half mango.
An advice for everyone: Buy the Yoghurt bread if you wish to keep yourself busy on your way home. Especially useful for long journeys if you wish to stay awake.
Got a taste of Yoghurt Bread today. Bought it from a confectionery at Toa Payoh and it comes in aluminum mould similar to egg tarts. The only difference is that Yoghurt Bread moulds are made just size fitting which means getting them out of the moulds can be a great feat. Thought I could enjoy the bread on a bus while on my way home but I end up trying to squeeze, pull, finger out the bread from the mould. I ended up using the most innovative method and that was to take the bread as a mango, imagining the base of the aluminium mould as the base skin of a mango, the Yoghurt bread as its flesh, and using my fingers to push out the flesh by pushing the "skin" inverted. Hmm... Guess you understand what am I writing... yes just like eating a half mango.
An advice for everyone: Buy the Yoghurt bread if you wish to keep yourself busy on your way home. Especially useful for long journeys if you wish to stay awake.
How to lose a guy in 10 days
Rating: 9 out of 10
This is one of the best ever romantic comedy filmed by homo sapiens. Hilarious, touching, romantic, et cetera you name it. Starred by beauty, Kate Hudson, it has got to be worth watching.
I remember one part whereby Andie (Kate Hudson) and Benjamin (Matthew) were undergoing "Couples Therapy" most clearly. That part was funny and well acted out. Can't tell more you got to watch it yourself. There's really no need for me to continue cuz rating tells everything.
Rating: 9 out of 10
This is one of the best ever romantic comedy filmed by homo sapiens. Hilarious, touching, romantic, et cetera you name it. Starred by beauty, Kate Hudson, it has got to be worth watching.
I remember one part whereby Andie (Kate Hudson) and Benjamin (Matthew) were undergoing "Couples Therapy" most clearly. That part was funny and well acted out. Can't tell more you got to watch it yourself. There's really no need for me to continue cuz rating tells everything.
Brother Going NS
Just heard from my younger brother that he will be enlisted into BMT this coming Wed. He is a regular but is yet to go through BMT phase. Just because he is receiving regular pay from SAF at the moment, SAF is going to put him into PTP-phase even though he has got a Silver for his IPPT. Can't understand why SAF got to put him into PTP-phase. Is it just because they cannot let him slack for some time before going straight into BMT?
Damn the usual SAF self.
Just heard from my younger brother that he will be enlisted into BMT this coming Wed. He is a regular but is yet to go through BMT phase. Just because he is receiving regular pay from SAF at the moment, SAF is going to put him into PTP-phase even though he has got a Silver for his IPPT. Can't understand why SAF got to put him into PTP-phase. Is it just because they cannot let him slack for some time before going straight into BMT?
Damn the usual SAF self.
Bought a Printer
Went to the "PC Show" yesterday and bought a printer - Cannon i550 at $199. This is my 3rd printer since I first bought my PC 3 years ago. The first was HP DeskJet 670 and I would say that was well worth buying for. I used the HP printer for almost 2 complete years before it actually gave me problems. I then changed to using Epspn Stylus Color 580. That lousy Epson printer started giving me problems after using for merely less than 10 times but since the 1-year warranty had expired, everything is just too bad for me. Condemned Epson for LIFE! Just hope this Cannon printer will be well worth for money.
Went to the "PC Show" yesterday and bought a printer - Cannon i550 at $199. This is my 3rd printer since I first bought my PC 3 years ago. The first was HP DeskJet 670 and I would say that was well worth buying for. I used the HP printer for almost 2 complete years before it actually gave me problems. I then changed to using Epspn Stylus Color 580. That lousy Epson printer started giving me problems after using for merely less than 10 times but since the 1-year warranty had expired, everything is just too bad for me. Condemned Epson for LIFE! Just hope this Cannon printer will be well worth for money.
Saturday, June 07, 2003
Friday, June 06, 2003
FYI, I am involved in this year's SAF parade. Care for a good sun-tanning session, join the SAF parade and I am not talking crap here. Having taken a look at myself in front of the mirror, I see a different me with complexion colour similar to those construction workers working under the hot sun. Working hours - 9am till 6pm; Overtime - No pay and no say over it; blah blah blah... Who will work for the tyrant? We, members of Singapore Armed Forces are the morons working for the tyrant.
I am Vitamin D enriched!!!
FYI, I am involved in this year's SAF parade. Care for a good sun-tanning session, join the SAF parade and I am not talking crap here. Having taken a look at myself in front of the mirror, I see a different me with complexion colour similar to those construction workers working under the hot sun. Working hours - 9am till 6pm; Overtime - No pay and no say over it; blah blah blah... Who will work for the tyrant? We, members of Singapore Armed Forces are the morons working for the tyrant.
I am Vitamin D enriched!!!
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