Computer, Technology, Databases, Google, Internet, Mobile, Linux, Microsoft, Open Source, Security, Social Media, Web Development, Business, Finance
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
How to dual-boot Windows XP and Windows Vista
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Going to Clear My Sch Fees By Next Week
All my school fees debt is going to be cleared by next week before end of year 2006!
It is going to be record breaking! It is going to take me less than a year to clear.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Fauxto... like photo.
Another innovative product.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
PayPal Integration Completed
I can finally catch some sleep :)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Fast Typing Skills Training
To play, type the name of the enemies you see and then hit RETURN.
I am ranked 38th (Difficulty level: Medium).
Username is hongjun
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Summary of Blogs Mentioning EditGrids
The reason as to why my blog is mentioned is because I actually quoted "EditGrid" as one of my entries previously. The below link actually points correctly to my previous post -
Internet is so threatening. No one can hide anything once something has posted live on the Internet.
Check it out!
Friday, December 15, 2006
How to login to an expired Windows
Friday, December 08, 2006
Microsoft SQL vs Oracle
Do also take a look at the pdf files posted in the below link as well.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Knoppix 5.0 OS
Had a try on this bootable OS on a CD-ROM and realized I almost forgotten how to use Linux!
It has been almost 2 years since I used a Linux.
Overall Rating: Good
Friday, December 01, 2006
Interview On Myself
How did you first find Experts Exchange?
Well, I first get to know Experts-Exchange during my poly days. A friend of mine introduced EE to me when we were stucked with some C Programming logic.
First EE question asked by me: Simple scanf question (C Programming)
What made you start answering questions?
Ever since I asked my first question, I often rely on EE to get quality and prompt replies to my technical questions.
Few months later, I realized there are some questions out there where I can also provide my assistance. I realized the need to give back to the community and to share knowledge.
First EE question answered by me: string requires char type but how to add all entries and get total? (C++ Programming)
What do you get out of answering questions?
In short: Knowledge
When I attempt to answer questions, I actually go through the process of looking for solutions all over the place. Through this process, I begin to know where to get the right solution at the right place at the fastest time. I also get to know a problem can be solved by many different methods and which is truely the most efficient and effective.
I must admit my bookmarks database is rather huge.
EE Profile
Free Wireless@SG
iCell Network
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Knoppix 5.0
Good - Learn Linux
Bad - Hack into one's Windows and copy out the entire harddisk contents.
Got Myself A Free Book
It took me 3 tries on 3 separate questions before they finally gave me that book.
Book Link from Amazon (Cool right)
Search Engine With Visual Effects
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Today is VS and SQL 2005 1 Year Birthday
On 29th Nov 2005, these 2 products were officially launched in Singapore.
Hacking Email: 99 Email Security and Productivity Tips
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Will you stay in India?
If the place to attach to is India, Pune, will you?
Albert Einstein Quote
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Statement Of Attainment (1)
This certificate is issued by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA).
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
STB offers free shuttle service from Johor Bahru to attract tourists
Free shuttle + rebates and discounts at major departmental stores
Friday, November 17, 2006
We Live In Singapura
Don't forget to watch the youtube equivalent too!
Find out who gives away your email address with Gmail trick
If your Gmail login name was and you went to to fill out a registration form, instead of just entering as your email, enter it as instead. When Gmail sees a "+" in an email address, it uses all the characters to the left of the plus sign to know who to send it to. In this example it would still send it to
Now whats cool is if you search Gmail for username+samplesitecom, you will see all massages that were sent to that email address.
To see who is responsible for sending a specific message click the Show Details link and you will see the complete address.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
BlueScreen Screen Saver v3.2
Sunday, November 12, 2006
How I Celebrated My Birthday
All was planned by Regine and my job was just to follow.
We met at HarborFront MRT at around 7pm before heading to Bugis.A small hint from her was that dinner would be near Fortune Centre. I was left making guesses on where would be the place for dinner. I have no idea. We finally reached a place which till now I don't even know what is the name of the restaurant. There wasn't any sign of any signboard nor name of the restaurant written on the menu. I would grade the restaurant highly for their ambience.
After we finished our main course, we were served with ice cream and brownie (both were heart shaped) by one of the waiters. On top of the brownie was a lighted candle. This arrangement was preplanned and well-timed. I appreciate Regine's effort for this planning.
We left for home early after the dinner because we still need to work the next day. Oh ya.. I got a birthday card, a bear (she also has got one), and a wallet from Regine as my birthday gift. I love all of these gifts.
8th Nov 2006 - A memorable Wednesday.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Target To Hit 3000 By End of 2006
Got to work harder from now on.
Google's SearchMast Update
It now includes Wikipedia search as well.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Windows Live Messenger 8.1 Beta
• Redesigned, smarter contact cards give you more data about and easier access to your friends
• Your display name, status and personalization roam with you to any computer
• Try PC-to-phone calling with two free calls to virtually any phone in the world*
• Better server performance
• Automatic updates
• Improved sign-in performance
8 Simple Rules For Developing More Secure Code
- Habit #1: Take Responsibility
- Habit #2: Never Trust Data
- Habit #3: Model Threats against Your Code
- Habit #4: Stay One Step Ahead
- Habit #5: Fuzz!
- Habit #6: Don't Write Insecure Code
- Habit #7: Recognize the Strategic Asymmetry
- Habit #8: Use the Best Tools You Can
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
One of them "Woodward-partners" is completed with Regine (Note it is under some modification by another developer).
The second one is Dell-Privilege. But I stop working halfway due to some poor project management by the Business Analyst
I have one new project coming along but it is still under negotiation between the Business Analyst and the client to close the deal. Once again, I will work with Regine again.
Just another excuse to stay together.
Windows Vista Mail
Windows Mail builds on the foundation of Outlook Express, adding a variety of new features designed to make your e-mail experience more productive and fun, while helping to reduce and annoyances such as phishing and junk e-mail.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
CNET 10 Biggest Downloads
All time favourite by download counters.
- Napster
- Netscape Navigator
- Adobe Flash
- Quake
- Adobe Photoshop
- Ad-Aware
- WinZip
- iTunes
- Winamp
Netvibes Halloween Theme
To apple theme
To remove theme
Go to settings control panel to change theme
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Bring killed tabs back from the dead (Firefox 2.0)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Internet Banking in Singapore
By next year, all banks will need to be equiped with this new security feature. Already, I am using this 2FA with MayBank. I would say MayBank is the pioneer to kick start this new technology. Very soon, DBS Bank will follow suit too!
MayBank 2FA (Live And Compulsory)
DBS Bank 2FA (Still in the process of sending out the devices to customers)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Toolkit to Disable Automatic Delivery of Internet Explorer 7
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Flapjax Simplifies AJAX Development,1759,2031880,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03119TX1K0000594
Google Hacking + Google Proxy
Turn Google into Napster 2000
G2P Beta
Why Green Tea Helps to Lose Weight
To further enlighten you as to how green tea works, read on below:
Green tea slows down the absorption of fats and regulates glucose. The same substance, cathechin polyphenol, restrains the transition of glucose into fats. By doing that, experts believe that green tea is an effective glucose regulator. It effectively prevents insulin spikes and slows the rise of blood sugar after every meal. Insulin, as specialists agreed upon, promotes the storage of fats as it deals with the body’s blood sugar.
Green tea has the ability to reduce appetite. Because green teas have regulating effects on the blood sugar, people who drink it are observed to eat food as much as 60 percent lesser than usual. This particular hypothesis was proven when green tea was injected into laboratory rats for experimentation. Researchers believe that it has the same effects on humans.
Green tea is a good alternative to coffee. If you drink tea instead of coffee in the morning or throughout the day, your body gets fewer calories in the long run. The sugar and the cream included in your daily cappuccinos add inches and bulges to the waistline. But with green tea, instead of accumulating fats, you are actually reducing its build up.
Green tea affects the bodily systems positively. A parallel research about green tea brings forward its overall effects in the body. The systems benefiting from it include cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, urogenital, immune, lymphatic, and musculoskelatal systems. With this, green tea shows to have a very broad effect on the body. Only a few types of food can boast of this characteristic.
Extracted from
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Google Picks Up YouTube for $1.65 Billion,1759,2026753,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03069TX1K0001121
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Google in Talks to Buy YouTube,1759,2025574,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03069TX1K0001121
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
SearchMash, a New Google Search Site
I sort of quite like this search site. It's simple and fast.
To see it in action, do a search or go to directly to see how it actually works.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Body Aching Shiok After California Fitness Workout
The feeling was good.
Wednesday - Attended "Body Combat" class and I would say the workout was quite tiring but fun. Afterwhich, I went for the static stations.
Saturday - Attended "ABT" and "Body Combat" classes. Both were demanding on lower body and abs muscles. Tiring but fun.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Toshiba Recall Faulty Notebooks Batteries
TOSHIBA Battery Check Utility for Windows XP
Web-Based Calculator
Google Calculator -
Just try to search for 1+2+3*4 and you got the answer straight!
Yahoo Instant Search -
Note: There is no need to hit Search button. Just type and result will be shown.
Some queries to try:
* time in Paris
* weather in Boston
* convert 100 pounds to yen
* convert 5 kilograms to pounds
* sin(pi/3)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Some Windows Tips
Why Windows takes so long to shut down.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
10 Programming Languages You Should Learn Right Now
In order to increase your employability.
- PHP - Did a freelance before
- C# - Did a freelance before
- AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) - Tried during my free time before
- JavaScript - Being using it since v1.0
- Perl - Never tried before
- C - Mainly console based and UNIX shell scripting
- Ruby and Ruby on Rails - Never tried before
- Java - J2EE / SE / Servlet / JSP
- Python - Never tried before
- VB.Net (Visual Basic .Net) - Answered some questions in forum,1759,2016415,00.asp?kc=EWRSS03119TX1K0000594
Gone are the days of Visual Basic 6.0 and ASP.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Browser Wars: The Saga Continues
Don't forget to view image gallery
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Microsoft's Windows Live Search Goes Gold,1995,2014656,00.asp?kc=MWRSS02129TX1K0000535
Monday, September 11, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Microsoft Office 2007 Add-On for PDF/XPS
Now, they made it as an add-on instead.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Windows Vista Cheat Sheet
Six Good Reasons to Jump Ship
I highlight number 3.
- You know it's not your fault
- The change will allow you to progress along your desired career path
- A stagnant workplace
- You've made a bad move
- The new workplace offers something you can't refuse
- You want a culture change
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Google VS Yahoo
See results from Google and Yahoo side by side
I am faster than LifeHacker
My post
LifeHacker Post
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Gmail Shortcuts
Of course I myself has always been using it because I prefer to use keyboard if possible.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
My Search Result
Windows Live Search
Google Search
Yahoo Search
Lycos Search
Altavista Search
AOL Search
IceRocket Search
Friday, September 01, 2006
My sign is Sword in Chinese Horoscope
◎Your life is represented by the lucky sword, courageous and organized. You can make a fortune with your creativity and justice. You like well-behaved and wise people. With your leadership ability, you can break through any dissatisfying situation. ◎
Your characteristics, subconscious, and behavior modes, according to your fate and destiny, are represented by the sword. You are a bit bossy and dominating, but have leadership ability.
You are capable and talented, with a great sense of justice and righteousness, and willing to help others for the sake of justice. Like a sword, you are able to cut through a difficult or unsatisfactory situation and eventually change your fate and destiny. You may hurt yourself carelessly with a double-edged sword if you are too aggressive and pressuring people around you. You may be dominating with your appearance, but have a loving heart to protect the weak with a sense of justice and fairness.
However, a good sword needs to be molded and sharpened, so those that cannot pass the test and process only become scrap iron. Being determined and unafraid of the challenges, not blaming others, and learning and growing are the essential elements to become a respected leader. You like intelligent people with artistic talent and dislike hypocrites. You admire those who are willing to sacrifice and dedicate themselves to others with a sense of justice. As long as you pass the challenge and test, your entire life will be unaffected by any storm or blocked by any obstacle to become a winner.
◎Health Analysis: The function of your respiratory system is weaker.◎
According to your destiny analysis, the function of your respiratory system is weaker, and you have had minor problems like allergies, runny nose, cough, cold, chest pain, diarrhea and constipation when you were young. But over age 40, additional care of your respiratory system is needed, or it may lead to nasosinutisis, asthma, bronchopneumonia, bronchitis, intestines polyp and proctitis. Therefore, you should avoid fatigue and smoking, maintain a stable, regular lifestyle and schedule, and sleep and wake early in order to protect a congenitally weaker respiratory system.
There's a saying that all disease starts from the mouth, which means many human diseases are related to food. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, food can be divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth (concept of the five elements). You seem to prefer the spicy flavors in food like spicy hotpot and Sichuan dishes, which means your cells are filled with too much gold element. This negatively affects your health, fortune and career, so we suggest you try different foods to balance your diet and nutrition, which leads to harmony in life and a balance of yin and yang based on the five elements. In addition, if you have recently felt unlucky or things were not going smoothly, then you are probably affected by bad spirit, which caused bad luck. The best solution is not to eat meat and fish for a period of time until the bad spirit goes away. The bad spirit tends to stay with those who eat meat and fish, and also chicken, duck, green onion, garlic, leek and other spices, so a vegetarian diet can help change your luck.
◎Health Analysis: Your cardiovascular function is weaker as well.◎
your cardiovascular function is weaker as well, which caused minor problems like pimples, mouth and tongue sores when you were young. But over age 40, your cardiovascular function requires additional care, or you might have major problems such as blood pressure problems, hem sterone problems, unusual heart rhythm, eye pressure problems, and other abnormal functions leading to heart diseases, stroke, or loss of vision. Therefore, it's very important for you to maintain a stable schedule for your life, avoid fatigue, and, most importantly, do not to stay up overnight. If possible, have a blood test and electrocardiogram periodically and pay more attention if there's any family history of hereditary palatine canal system and cardio diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, apoplexy, cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, etc. Try to eliminate iced and cold drinks in order to avoid losing your vitality.
According to your destiny analysis, your spirit and the physical strength tend to be weaker than others with less energy. Your friends can often play, dance, or study all night without any sleep, but only one night without sleep makes you extremely tired and weak. You don't like running or outdoor activities, have poor sleep quality, and tend to be more emotional and sentimental.
If you want to change your destiny and fate, you better sleep before 23:00, and five minutes of sun every morning, but avoid the strong sunlight between 12:00~15:00. You will sense a major change and difference if you are persistent. If you are able to develop the good habit of sleeping and waking up early, it will completely change your fate and destiny with better health, more wealth and happiness coming into your life.
◎You are willing to be devoted, dedicated and sacrifice for a relationship. Your love is full of romance, so to be your companion is to be blessed with love and happiness. But when the passion cools down in romantic love, many problems emerge, which require your tolerance and wisdom to overcome.◎
In romance, according to our analysis, you are easily attracted to someone you admire in your heart, but you often end up empty-handed because it's quite difficult for both parties to fall in love at first sight. Generally speaking, women do not have deep first impression of you, so they need time to discover your inner beauty. You, however, tend to like a person at the first sight, but not after a period of time. Therefore, if you are still waiting for a good romance, try to show your inner beauty by doing more activities, establishing better habits, and socializing with more people. This way you can express your inner beauty naturally all the time, which makes your romance go more smoothly.
In the journey of life, your romantic or marriage partner might be introduced by relatives and friends, or through matchmaking. You tend to be inexperienced in love, unable to express yourself, and do not know how to actively pursue someone without being too sticky or giving up easily. You have opportunities but are afraid to get hurt, so eventually it is not easy for you to have the spark of love. If you are still seeking your love partner don't rush because someone nearby likes you, so as long as you pursue the relationship sincerely, the happiness is yours.
◎Career and Wealth Analysis: You know how to make money, but it is not easy for you to hold onto your money.◎
According to your destiny analysis, you know how to make money, but it is not easy for you to hold onto your money. Your life is more philosophical, so you are not stingy with yourself, family or friends. You spend what you have even when you are financially tight, and are generous when you are financially comfortable. Because of this, it's not easy for you to save your money. In addition, you maybe convinced easily by friends to make some financial investments that cause you to lose money. You like to make many friends, so you easily lose money if you cannot evaluate risk or reject people when they approach you for investment. You will spend most of your wealth doing things you want to do throughout life because you consider only money spent as the wealth actually owned by you. Afterwards, you will not bequest much to your descendants.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
How to Fix GMail Login Problems & Increase GMail Speed
So I knew it all along :)
Gmail Skins for FF Users
- Change the colour/skin of your inbox.
- Integrate your google homepage alongside your inbox. This allows you to view weather reports, rss feeds, news headlines, flickr recently added, google calendar module etc from your inbox.
- Easily insert images from your Picasa web album in to your emails
- Insert smileys/emoticons and images in to your emails.
- Insert HTML tables and other complex HTML in to your emails.
- Make the navigation (Inbox, Starred, Sent Mail, etc) horizontal.
- Fix the navigation in place so that you don't have to scroll to the top of the page to see it.
- Zebra stripes on mailbox - pretty!
- Change the attachment paperclip (on inbox) to an icon indicating the type of attachment.
- Hide various page elements (invite panel, page footer, your email address from the top right of inbox).
Google Books
Results from the 2006 Desktop Linux Survey
Pluto Fate
All About Pluto (Past)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Online Information Technology Training
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Google Apps for Your Domain (Google Corporate Package)
It sounds good but will it work out? What I know is that several universities have signed up for the package. Time will tell if a corporate decides to use this option.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
IE 7 Release Candidate To-Read
* tabs
* feed reader
* better CSS support (including CSS2)
* security (phishing filter, protected mode in Vista)
Download Link
Internet Explorer 7 Quick Reference Sheet (Cheat Sheet)
Add-Ons for Microsoft Internet Explorer
Intel Wi-Fi update is memory vampire
A new problem affects the Intel PROSet software version 10.5. The PROSet software accompanies Intel's drivers that run the company's wireless hardware on PCs.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Why Google Talk Will Be the Best Instant Messanger
Monday, August 21, 2006
Finally Back to Web Development
I miss it.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Test Internet Explorer 7 Without Installing It
To run Internet Explorer 7, you need Windows XP SP2.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Interesting Google Articles
I will run out of space on Sunday, March 01, 2026
Hide Spam Counter In Gmail
Create an Email Blacklist in Gmail
Friday, August 18, 2006
Anonymizing Google's Cookie
Yahoo! Mail in OE Look
What's New With Yahoo! Mail
all-new Yahoo! Mail
I kinda like the interface.
BTW, I personally experimenting it now!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
How to Detect Lies
Microsoft To Offer Free Vista Upgrade
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Definition of Leap Years
If it is evenly divisible by 4 and also evenly divisible by 100, it is not a leap year — unless it is also evenly divisible by 400.
- If it is evenly divisible by 4 and not evenly divisible by 100, it is a leap year.
- If it is evenly divisible by 4 and is also evenly divisible by 400, it is a leap year.
- If it is evenly divisible by 4 and also evenly divisible by 100 and also evenly divisible by 400, it is a leap year.
- However, if it is evenly divisible by 4 and also evenly divisible by 100 and not further evenly divisible by 400, then it is not a leap year.
From []
25 Sites We Can't Live Without,8599,1222769,00.html
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
OS in Flash
Impressive minus sometimes it can be quite slow.
MSDN is now FREE
It is based upon the Gaim software, provides end-to-end encryption, integrated onion-routing with Tor, secure file transfers, and easy-to-read documentation.
ScatterChat's security features include resiliency against partial compromise, immunity from replay attacks, and limited resistance to traffic analysis... all reinforced through a pro-actively secure design.
Introducing CCleaner
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Conserving Battery Life (Tips for Laptop Users)
This article explains it quite simply.
Microsoft to Tighten the Genuine Advantage Screws
All are original and I am safe.,1759,2001329,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03069TX1K0001121
Virgin Air Adds In-Flight Text Messaging,1759,2000683,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03069TX1K0001121
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Mac OS X Versus Windows XP
But my vote still goes to Windows (Because I don't know how to use Mac).
I have got a lame excuse.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Attention to Hon Yr Engineering Students
Computer hackers get lesson on cloning passport, cash card tags
Saturday, August 05, 2006
My Top 10 Best Products (Aug 06)
- Experts-Exchange IT Solutions Collaboration Site
- Mozilla Firefox Web Browser
- Google Gmail Web Mail
- Google Calendar Online Calendar
- QuickPost Experts-Exchange New Question Auto Notification
- Windows Live Messenger Internet Messenging
- NetVibes Personalized Page (Web 2.0)
- Google Search Engine
- Microsoft Office 2007 Office Package
- Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 Internet Browser
Previous Rankings (2 Mar '06) (6 Jan '06) (19 Dec '05)
IE 7.0 Beta 3 VS Firefox 2.0 Beta 1
It seems like IE 7.0 is at the top of the world in this aspect. Firefox needs to double up.
Just in case someone interested in doing a RSS feed, watch this video
The Annual Library Book Sale
12 – 13 August 2006
9.30am – 8pm
Singapore Expo Hall 4A
Free Admission
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software Local Information Disclosure
A security vulnerability exists in the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software (PROSet application) because of insecure usage of shared memory allowing a person having access to the user's computer or malicious software installed on the user's computer to obtain access to users' wireless network security information.
A security vulnerability has been identified in Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x (PROSet application), which could be locally exploited by malicious users or software to obtain Wireless network security information such as WLAN pre-shared WEP key (all PROSet versions) and user authentication credentials (only PROSet 9.x and 10.x versions). This flaw is due to insecure usage of the shared memory.
Visit below link for more information
Gsheet - Google Spreadsheet and Writely
I wonder how Google fare in this field. I am giving it a shot.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
10 ways to personalize your PC
- Change your language settings
- Personalize a screen saver
- Choose your sounds and volume
- Customize the speed of your mouse
- Change your desktop appearance
- Customize your taskbar layout
- Set your default Web page
- Choose your Windows Views
- Customize your browser size
- Give each family member a login
7 Timesaving Computing Tips
- Travel Light Using Remote Desktop
- Maintain Your Computer with Automatic Updates
- Keep Undesirable Ads at Bay with Pop-up Blocker
- Improve Readability with ClearType
- Customize the Places Bar
- Increase the Destinations Available from the Send To Menu
- Find Items on the All Programs Menu More Quickly
4 Ways to Speed Up Your Computer's Performance
- Free Up Disk Space
- Speed Up Access to Data
- Detect and Repair Disk Errors
- Protect Your Computer Against Spyware
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Ronaldinho, Parreira blamed back in Brazil
France also knocked Brazil out of the 1986 World Cup on penalties following a 1-1 draw in the quarter-finals.
Brazil just couldn't defeat France.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
OT Again
2 OTs is still considered little as compared to last few weeks.
Way to go.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Microsoft Office 12
Worth trying.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Get Ready for Windows Vista
I don't have the luxury to try it.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
C Shirt Design
Source code is in the form of letter C and when run, the result is in also in the form of letter C!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Who Do You Think Am I?
Who do you think am I!!!
You think I will help you!!!
If you need help, at least write politely.
I am working on a script, right now it's a function and a bunch of subroutines.
All together the script is about 2000 lines long.
How long would it take you to convert it to a class?
I think the further development would go much quicker if I had this as a class to work with and keep adding all functionality I have
in mind.
Please let me know what you might need from me to give me better idea and hopefully to get started on this?
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Eat and Watch Today
We then watched "The Da Vinci Code". Frankly speaking, I don't really understand the plot.
We then shop around a while before we had Nasi Bryani and Tom Yam bee hoon at "Sedap Corner".
Ate so much today.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Friday, May 12, 2006
Cool Gmail New Feature
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
World Cup Virus Season Kicks Off,1895,1959401,00.asp
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5
Sun lives up to its name in incrementing their version number without any sense. There's much confusion especially to those new Java entrants. I shall not discuss further.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Problem In New NS Portal
I just attempted a first login to the new NS portal. I must admit the overall experience is quite pleasant if I were using IE browser. However, the surfing experience of the ever-growing number of Firefox users should be taken care of.
There one obvious problem I see when using Firefox 1.5.
1) Navigational menu does not work well. On hover on any of the child items of the top menu, the collapsed menu does not stay. It makes my navigation experience impossible. To get around with this problem, I actually have to get to the homepage or the site map in order to find my destination link.
Please resolve this problem ASAP because the reputation of NCS is at stake. Thanks and hope everyone will have a pleasant surfing experience in this new NS portal.
Loh Hon Chun
Monday, May 01, 2006
Labor Day in US
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Quick Certificate Printer
The internet is really about anything
Polling Day Holiday
Those who have to work on Polling Day are to receive a day's pay or given another day off, said the Manpower Ministry.
And workers whose day off falls on Polling Day are entitled to a day-off-in-lieu or one day's pay, its statement added.
The ministries said companies should treat Polling Day in the same manner as any other public holiday, as given under Section 35 of the Parlimentary Elections Act.
More details are available at the website
Extracted from The Straits Times Saturday April 29, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I Need To Vote
Voting is COMPULSORY. Voting is SECRET. And Voting is FIRST time for ME.
My area is AMK.
Dial-Up Remote Uploading = Yawn
Taipei uses leased line and so will be fast but... These Taiwanese people don't want English! They request for Taiwanese Bopomofo Chinese! Made my coding difficult. Environment wise can also be so tricky. Hope all these areas turn out well.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
12 tips for better e-mail etiquette
- Be informal, not sloppy.
- Keep messages brief and to the point.
- Use sentence case.
- Use the blind copy and courtesy copy appropriately.
- Don't use e-mail as an excuse to avoid personal contact.
- Remember that e-mail isn't private.
- Be sparing with group e-mail.
- Use the subject field to indicate content and purpose.
- Don't send chain letters, virus warnings, or junk mail.
- Remember that your tone can't be heard in e-mail.
- Use a signature that includes contact information.
- Summarize long discussions.
Extracted from
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Working Late
Cannot believe a shipping company can have so many development to do!
Lucky this company can claim OT and taxi fee (only if one works at least till 10:30pm).
So tiring...
Monday, April 24, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Help protect your personal information with strong passwords
To check how strong your password(s) are, refer to
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
JobsDB New Job Notification
If it fails to work one day, this just means JobsDB has change their page structure. Good luck to those graduating this semester.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Welcome to Academic Live Search
Thumbs Up!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Court Records Reveal Adware Firm's Hardball Tactics
No time for now!
(Reserved for weekend reading)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Welcome ryancys
Sunday, April 09, 2006
SgDotNet Talk
It was held Microsoft. That was my 2nd time there.
Interview: Microsoft's Database Guru
As for enterprise, I think SQL Server 2005 has addressed this issue. Even SQL 2005 reporting services is competing Crystal Reports.
Google's Eric Schmidt Told a Lie In 2002
PC World: So you don't want to be the next Yahoo?
Schmidt: What we do is search. Yahoo is a portal with a myriad of specialized services. What Google does is sufficiently limited. It's not really targeted at what Yahoo or AOL is trying to do. Our business strategy is not to compete, because we want them as customers.
The nature of work is also different. It is mainly on web programming at WPH while it is mainly on component-based programming at RCL.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Blogspot Comment Feature Used Instead
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Internet Explorer PNG Transparency Hack
This is a bug in Internet Explorer 6.0 and below. Internet Explorer 7.0 has confirmed this PNG transparency bug is addressed.
All along, I thought it may not be possible for this particular image. PNG supports 256 levels of transparency where GIF only supports one. Turning a PNG with an alpha channel that doesnt reach %100 transparency into a gif would look just like the PNG without the alpha channel. And turning a PNG with an alpha channel that does reach %100 transparency into a gif would result in a halo around the image. Not only that but PNG supports thousands of colors where gif only supports 256. My recommendation to fellow EE experts thus is always "Convert to GIF".
Still, GIF and JPG are still the 2 picture formats being supported by all browsers. If you don't see the transparency (without applying the hack), this means the browser you are using doesn't support PNG files with alpha channels. IE for windows doesn't, IE for Mac does, iCab for Mac does, Netscape 6 does, Mozilla does, and Firefox does.
Dictionary Suggest
Try it out and you should know what the mini app does.
I will improve on the functionality whenever I got the time.
New Phase of Life
I know RCL will not be that vibrant. Nevertheless, it is going to be another experience for me.
TARGETED to A Unrespected Barbarian
Just too bad!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Climbing Back Up Slowly
SPH's Job Search Portal - ST701
Though the name of the website may sounds meaningless, all job seekers do visit the site for job hunting, at the same time don't bother to ask yourself how on earth the name ST701 was chosen. I see the name stupid.
MyHeritage Face Recognition
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Some Updates
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Worker's Party Come
Friday, March 17, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Google Love / Hate
25 Things I Hate About Google
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Result to Below Q
(3) - (2):
20a + 20c = 4
=> (1)
So, in essense, you have only 2 equations, and three variables. So this set of equations has no unique solution. Hence, the set of solutions (a, b, c) can be:
(0.1, 0.15, 0.1) or (0.5, 0.05, -0.3), etc...
The solution can be expressed in the form of:
a = 1/5 - c
b = 1/8 + 1/4 c
c is real
Solve This Set of Simultaneous Equations
4 = 20c + 20a
10 = 80b - 20c
14 = 20a + 80
Apple: 'Don't expect Mactels to run Vista',39024651,39157103,00.htm
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Memo Outlines Microsoft's Plans
A must read especially for Microsoft fans.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Looks Interesting
Microsoft unveils new mini-PC as CeBIT high-tech fair opens
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sign Guestbook Problem
I will try to rectify the problem as soon as possible whenever time permits.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Ideal for MsWord Beginners
I have long wanted to share my knowledge by posting it live somewhere but I never have the time to do it.
My To-Do List (But never going to be done)
- Post articles on ASP / VB tips and techniques.
- Make a CMS application for dynamic web creation and content population. For this, I have a clear picture as to how to go about doing it but I simply don't have the time.
Google Is Going Places
Google, ABC team for Net, mobile news
Google Mobile Home
Poor pupils in secondary school also need breakfast
Why not extend this assistance to pupils in secondary school too? Take Chong Boon Secondary School for example. It has poor pupils and one had only tap water for breakfast ('So poor she drank water for breakfast'; The New Paper, Jan 11).
Gwendolen Lim Whay Lee (Ms)
Extracted from [,5562,375135,00.html ]
I sometimes don't eat breakfast just to save money.
Chomp Chomp Treat
I hope the varieties and quantities are enough for all.
Pre-Employment Medical Checkup
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
I Hate This
Thursday, March 02, 2006
My Top 10 Best Products
- Experts-Exchange IT Solutions Collaboration Site
- Mozilla Firefox Web Browser
- Google Gmail Web Mail
- QuickPost Experts-Exchange New Question Auto Notification
- Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE .NET 1.1
- Visual Basic 6.0 IDE for Visual Basic 6.0
- MSN Messenger 7.5 Internet Messenging Program
- Google Search Engine
- Meebo Web-based IM
- MSDN Library Microsoft Technologies Documentation
Previous Rankings (6 Jan '06) (19 Dec '05)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
In Case You Lost Your HP
But I will wait for the Singapore Goverment to come out with their database. I ain't going to try the service by a third party.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Income Requirement For Credit Cards
An article for reading,5578,373638,00.html
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Men Are From Mars & Women Are From Venus Workshop
Registration fee for the workshop was $5 which I find really worth the money. I belive this workshop cost more than that without the 2 tea breaks, 1 lunch buffet, and 1 best-seller book from Andy Gray. The workshop was held in the Grassroots' Club near Yio Chu Kang MRT Station from 9am - 6pm.
I was rather shocked to see there weren't as many people as expected. The MPH was only 1/3 filled. Many came as a couple but there were some who came alone - mostly guys. My "entourage" included my elder brother and her girlfriend, Wenjun and Beryl, Regine and myself.
The workshop was full of fun and interaction. Throughout the duration, we listened to the 2 speakers who gave valuable pointers and relevant real-life examples, watched videos, and carried out discussions and completing the workbook. They had made use of visual aids, audio devices and hands-on exercises to impart their knowledge. As to how they did that, I thought it was too difficult for me to write them down here.
I have been to countless seminars, talks and workshops but I have never been to one that is as interactive as this one. I give 10 out of 10 for this workshop.
I Am a Martian
Thursday, February 23, 2006
'Fare cheats' take more than one seat
Actually, these cheats are trivial compared to passengers who blatantly occupy an extra seat by putting personal or bought items there. They close their eyes, oblivious to other passengers even when the bus or train is packed.
Not placing the items on the floor deprives other commuters of an available seat. Sometimes, the items may contain wet, dirty or smelly matter like seafood which may soil the seat and make it unusable until it is cleaned.
The worst case is when a bus passenger stretches his legs across to touch the opposite facing seat. These are the 'super' cheats. One passenger can then 'occupy' four seats (with his legs creating a barrier to two other adjacent seats).
Big Mistake
I think everyone would need to press more than 100 times to close the net send message. I will never do something so stupid as this again.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
Got A New Job
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Budget 2006: Household Benefits Calculator
Saturday, February 18, 2006
NUS Proactive
Anyone knows what is the procedure to send an article to be published on the Forum section of The Straits Times? I want to raise a point to counter Prof Tan from NUS on the reason behind the raise.
SG's Budget 2006
- Growth Dividend - S$600
- NS - S$100 (This year) + S$300 (Many many years later...)
Insurance Recommendations Anyone?
Made Partial School Fees Payment
Friday, February 17, 2006
Stingy RCL
Monday, February 13, 2006
Just condemned another site
One of them is
- Thou shall not visit sites with embedded sound/video files (*.mp3, *.wav, *.mpeg)
Sunday, February 12, 2006
IE7 Preview by WebMonkeys
Friday, February 10, 2006
I Owe Lots of Money
Looks little as compared to many but actually still quite a lot ar..
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Busy Busy Busy
- People's Association for Grassroots Leaders (Alone)
- S-League (Alone)
- Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (Partial)
AOL, Yahoo to Charge for Email
Monday, February 06, 2006
Calling All LCD Users
Investment Summit (Reminder)
Venue : SMU School of Accountancy Conference Hall 2
Date : 11th February 2006 (Saturday)
Time : 0930 – 1800
Attire: Smart Casual
Sunday, February 05, 2006
ClearType Text in IE7
Hello there, I’m Peter Gurevich, one of the many program managers on the IE team. My primary feature area focus is on the rendering and display in the browser, including the decoding and display of images and the rendering of Text. I wanted to briefly chat with you all about a change to the way IE7 renders text.
You may have noticed that after installing IE 7, your fonts in IE and Outlook Express look different. That is because IE7 has changed our text rendering to use ClearType. I hope you like the change. If you are not familiar with ClearType, you can find more information on it using the link below, but basically it is another method for rendering Text on LCD Monitors.
Here is an example of the difference you should see.
If you have an LCD monitor, it may not be precisely tuned for Cleartype, so here are some tools that can help you get it set up.
On-line tuner tuner:
We do realize and have received feedback that not everyone is using an LCD and that some people may not like ClearType text rendering. So it is important to us that we provide a way of disabling ClearType. If you do not like ClearType text rendering on your monitor, you just need to use the option in the Internet Control Panel to turn it off. Simply uncheck the box.
Now some of you out there may have a few questions. Ill try to answer what seem to be the most common.
Q1: Why is IE7 making this change?
A1: To improve the readability of text on the internet.
The Advanced Reading and Technologies group at Microsoft has conducted several studies on ClearType on LCD and CRT monitors. These studies show a measurable improvement in reading comprehension and performance as well as an improvement in the perceived user experience (Mostly on LCDs, but even on CRTs) Because of these studies and the prevalence of LCD monitors in the marketplace, IE7 will now render text using compatible width Clear type by default. Compatible width means that, for the most part, the text layout should not change when using ClearType. ClearType rendering will be turned on independent of the system ClearType setting but will be group policy enabled for corporate environments.
Q2: Why don’t we turn on ClearType just for LCD monitors?
A2: There is no reliable programmatic way to detect whether the monitor on a system is an LCD or CRT. When that type of detection technology is in place it is an option that we will consider.
Q3: Why does text in Outlook Express still look blurry even when I turn off ClearType?
A3: This is a bug and it is known issue. We are working closely with the Outlook Express team to resolve this issue.
Thanks for your interest in the IE7 product and please let us know if you have any questions or comments.
- Peter Gurevich, Internet Explorer Program Manager
Food Stalls Increase Price
Dissatisfied With IE 7 Beta 2
- Shortcut key to Search box missing.
- Achor names pointing poor.
- Minor bug on CSS layers.
- Offers only MSN as search engine by default - Too little.
- Does not support type-as-i-search feature.
BTW, I have reported the CSS bug to Microsoft.
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