Microsoft provides sample classic ASP code to perform directory listing on a web directory. Someone on a IT forum actually pointed out the below code. I thought Microsoft does a great job since
Directory Listing is often a frequently asked question. However, there is a catch in the code and some will be caught scratching their head as to why there is a security issue running the script.
You will need to comment out line 6 - 9.
6: ' this section is optional - it just denies anonymous access
7: If Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")="" Then
8: Response.Status = "401 Access Denied"
9: End If
Creating a directory browsing page using ASP shall be posting my own
Directory Listing version in classic ASP in a day or two's time.
I am also agreeing on this that Microsoft is really doing great job in directory listing as if I am learning so much from a directory listing using ASP.