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Friday, April 25, 2008

What is Metacognition?

I learnt about this new term Metacognition from a friend's blog. Even though I have studied some cognitive theory before, I have not heard of metacognition.


KNOWING HOW TO LEARN, and knowing which strategies work best, are valuable skills that differentiate expert learners from novice learners. Metacognition, or awareness of the process of learning, is a critical ingredient to successful learning.

Metacognition is an important concept in cognitive theory. It consists of two basic processes occurring simultaneously: monitoring your progress as you learn, and making changes and adapting your strategies if you perceive you are not doing so well. It's about self-reflection, self-responsibility and initiative, as well as goal setting and time management.

Metacognitive skills include taking conscious control of learning, planning and selecting strategies, monitoring the progress of learning, correcting errors, analyzing the effectiveness of learning strategies, and changing learning behaviors and strategies when necessary.

More definitions of Metacognition from Google Search.

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