The code snippet I posted below is exactly the same one I posted earlier. The same code was used during my Diploma days at Singapore Polytechnic.
/*****************************/ /* Description: Practical 3 */ /*****************************/ /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* ASSUMING INFIX EXPRESSION */ /* IS VALID */ /* !!!!!!!! */ /*************************************************************/ /*************************************************************/ /* include necessary preprocessor header files */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> /* constants */ #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* structure for stack */ typedef struct { char data[20]; /* array to hold stack contents */ int tos; /* top of the stack pointer */ } STACK; /* function prototypes */ void initStack(STACK *stack); void get_infix(char infix[]); void convertToPostfix(char infix[], char postfix[]); int isOperator(char c); int precedence(char operator1, char operator2); int pred_level(char ch); void push(STACK *stack, char value); char pop(STACK *stack); char stackTop(STACK *stack); int isEmpty(STACK *stack); int isFull(STACK *stack); void printResult(char infix[], char postfix[]); void print_msg(void); /* program entry point */ int main(void) { char infix[20], postfix[20]=""; /* convert from infix to postfix main function */ convertToPostfix(infix, postfix); /* display the postfix equivalent */ infix[strlen(infix)-2] = '\0'; printResult(infix, postfix); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* initalise the stack */ void initStack(STACK *stack) { stack->tos = -1; /* stack is initially empty */ } /* get infix expression from user */ void get_infix(char infix[]) { int i; printf("Enter infix expression below (max 18 characters excluding spaces) : \n"); fflush(stdin); /* to read in only 18 characters excluding spaces */ for ( i=0; i<18; ) { if ( (infix[i] = getchar()) == '\n' ) { i++; break; } else if ( !(isspace(infix[i])) ) i++; } infix[i] = '\0'; } /* convert the infix expression to postfix notation */ void convertToPostfix(char infix[], char postfix[]) { int i, length; int j=0; char tos_ch; STACK stack; initStack(&stack); /* initialise stack */ get_infix(infix); /* get infix expression from user */ length = strlen(infix); /* if strlen if infix is more than zero */ if ( length ) { push(&stack, '('); strcat(infix, ")"); length++; for ( i=0; i<length; i++ ) { /* if current operator in infix is digit */ if ( isdigit(infix[i]) ) { postfix[j++] = infix[i]; } /* if current operator in infix is left parenthesis */ else if ( infix[i] == '(' ) { push(&stack, '('); } /* if current operator in infix is operator */ else if ( isOperator(infix[i]) ) { while ( TRUE ) { /* get tos */ tos_ch = stackTop(&stack); /* no stack left */ if ( tos_ch == '\0' ) { printf("\nInvalid infix expression\n"); print_msg(); exit(1); } else { if ( isOperator(tos_ch) ) { if ( pred_level(tos_ch) >= pred_level(infix[i]) ) postfix[j++] = pop(&stack); else break; } else break; } } push(&stack, infix[i]); } /* if current operator in infix is right parenthesis */ else if ( infix[i] == ')' ) { while ( TRUE ) { /* get tos */ tos_ch = stackTop(&stack); /* no stack left */ if ( tos_ch == '\0' ) { printf("\nInvalid infix expression\n"); print_msg(); exit(1); } else { if ( tos_ch != '(' ) { postfix[j++] = tos_ch; pop(&stack); } else { pop(&stack); break; } } } continue; } } } postfix[j] = '\0'; } /* determine if c is an operator */ int isOperator(char c) { if ( c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '%' || c == '^' ) { return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /* determine precedence level */ int pred_level(char ch) { if ( ch == '+' || ch == '-' ) return 1; else if ( ch == '^' ) return 3; else return 2; } /* determine if the precedence of operator1 is less than, equal to, greater than the precedence of operator2 */ int precedence(char operator1, char operator2) { if ( pred_level(operator1) > pred_level(operator2) ) return 1; else if ( pred_level(operator1) < pred_level(operator2) ) return -1; else return 0; } /* push a value on the stack */ void push(STACK *stack, char value) { if ( !(isFull(stack)) ) { (stack->tos)++; stack->data[stack->tos] = value; } } /* pop a value off the stack */ char pop(STACK *stack) { char ch; if ( !(isEmpty(stack)) ) { ch = stack->data[stack->tos]; (stack->tos)--; return ch; } else return '\0'; } /* return the top value of the stack without popping the stack */ char stackTop(STACK *stack) { if ( !(isEmpty(stack)) ) return stack->data[stack->tos]; else return '\0'; } /* determine if stack is empty */ int isEmpty(STACK *stack) { /* empty */ if ( stack->tos == -1 ) return TRUE; /* not empty */ else return FALSE; } /* determine if stack is full */ int isFull(STACK *stack) { /* full */ if ( stack->tos == 19 ) return TRUE; /* not full */ else return FALSE; } /* display the result postfix expression */ void printResult(char infix[], char postfix[]) { /*system("cls");*/ printf("\n\n"); printf("Infix notation : %s\n", infix); printf("Postfix notation: %s\n\n", postfix); print_msg(); } /* print exit message */ void print_msg(void) { printf("Hit <return> to exit......"); fflush(stdin); getchar(); }
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