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Thursday, January 07, 2010

Modules selection for coming semester

It is very likely that I may take the below 3 modules for the coming semester provided I manage to ballot for them next week.

CS5258 - Information Security Policies (Mon) - 3.5/5.0 difficulty
CS5322 - Databases Security (Tue) - 5.0/5.0 difficulty
CS4236 - Principles of Computer Security (Wed) - 3.5/5.0 difficulty

Difficulty levels shown above are purely based on my subjective judgement and feedback from my seniors. The only reason as to why I am taking one 5.0/5.0 level is there aren't many choices available. Many "manageable" modules happen to fall on Monday.

I will survive.


  1. Hi there,
    I missed the first lecture for CS5258. Can you tell me what is the assessment mode for this module? Is it team or individual based? Will there be any presentation?

    Thank you very very much

  2. For CS5258,

    10% group (4 to 5) assignment
    30% individual assignment
    60% exam (open book)

  3. wow, thanks a lot.
    I emailed twice to the lecturer but he never respond at all.

    so this module don't have any presentation?

  4. no mention.
    but then from the nature of the assignments and group project, most probably there is no presentation.

    It's better to confirm with the lecturer.


Do provide your constructive comment. I appreciate that.

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