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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Considering changing Private Shield plan

It seems to me Aviva MyShield is no longer the best private medical shield plan in the market. Aviva has just announced an across the board increase in its annual premium by an approximate 10%. A quick comparison points me to Prudential and NTUC as the better choice.


  1. It recently has added new features which is almost comparable to other features by other insurers. If you consider the price of the rider, maybe you will think twice about Prudential. NTUC is more applicable to those who requires claim for even small bills. Aviva is mostly suitable for people with company's insurance which can cover the 3k annual deductible if you are not taking the 1st dollar onwards rider from Aviva.

  2. If I am not wrong, NTUC does not cover if insurer donates an organ. NTUC covers only the recipient and not the donor.

  3. Then you will have to count the probability of a person who will donate his organ in a lifetime... whether is it worth the price... In that case, Aviva would still stand cheaper in terms of cash if you are comparing.


Do provide your constructive comment. I appreciate that.

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