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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Insensitive SM Goh Chok Tong compared Japan Tsunami with Singapore Floods

Felt so disgusted by SM Goh Chok Tong's recent comments made on Mar 12 REACH forum, comparing Japan massive tsunamis with Singapore floods, the former caused by unnatural mother nature while the latter can be avoided by millionaires ministers.

His comment that isn't going to be helpful for his election campaign:
How many of you followed the latest tragic events in Japan with the tsunami...and then put into context our floods in Singapore against that kind of disaster.

I am not saying we shouldn't do anything about the flood. But the amount of noise you made with just sporadic flood compared to the Japanese. I saw them on TV. Very stoic looking. You don't see them crying. This has happened, just get on, that's the kind of spirit you want to have and you call it nation building.

Do remember ministers in Singapore are paid millions of dollars and if even floods that can be prevented are not prevented, then they shouldn't be paid that much. Whenever mistakes are made, Japanese ministers will admit and bow in front of the public media but ... Singaporean ministers would never admit theirs.


  1. his comments are perfectly fine.

    i dont get your point

  2. I agree, his comments are perfectly fine. How is that insensitive?


Do provide your constructive comment. I appreciate that.

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