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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Malware, Trojans, etc start attacking Apple
The attack on Apple operating system has just started.
The Apple Attack Begins [via]
Apple says it will send out some patches this week, but this just marks the beginning of a long battle. It will be ugly, as the platform is largely like the unprotected, the users are clueless, and there is zero resistance within the platform. The few Mac users who survive the barrage will probably be former PC users who are not so easily fooled by fake websites.
The Apple Attack Begins [via]
Extend your iPhone's battery life
According to David Pogue, keeping a bunch of apps suspended in your multitasking queue is actually sucking up you device's battery life. He suggested four ways to making your battery last long
1. Push e-mail
If you turn off the "Push" feature, and set it to Manually instead (in Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars->Fetch New Data), then your iPhone checks for e-mail only when you actually open the e-mail app. Your battery goes a lot farther.
2. GPS checks
In Settings ->General->Location Services, you’ll see a list of all the apps on your phone that are using your phone’s location feature to know where you are. Disable GPS is another method to making your battery survive longer.
3. Notifications
In Settings -> Notifications, you see a list of apps that are allowed to display pop-up notifications. Turn off the ones which you don't really need.
4. Background apps
Applications running in the background can still use battery. Kill them!
Four Ways to Make Your Battery Last Longer [via]
1. Push e-mail
If you turn off the "Push" feature, and set it to Manually instead (in Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars->Fetch New Data), then your iPhone checks for e-mail only when you actually open the e-mail app. Your battery goes a lot farther.
2. GPS checks
In Settings ->General->Location Services, you’ll see a list of all the apps on your phone that are using your phone’s location feature to know where you are. Disable GPS is another method to making your battery survive longer.
3. Notifications
In Settings -> Notifications, you see a list of apps that are allowed to display pop-up notifications. Turn off the ones which you don't really need.
4. Background apps
Applications running in the background can still use battery. Kill them!
Four Ways to Make Your Battery Last Longer [via]
Restore Your iPhone Without Losing Your Homescreen Organization
Great tip published on LifeHacker to save you the hard work you put in organizing your home screen, not losing them when restoring your iPhone.
Chinese prisons forced inmates to play online games to accumulate online gold or cash
After a day of gruelling physical labour, inmates in Chinese prisons would be forced to engage in 12-hour sessions of online gaming to rack up credits. This was the work cycle for many Chinese prisoners in years past as reported by the Guardian.
The online gold accumulated proved to be lucrative and can be traded for real cash in the cyber-gaming industry. "Gold farming" is common with lots of gamers across the globe that would pay real money for game currency just so they could progress in the game. World of Warcraft was one of many games the inmates had to trudge through to accrue certain amounts of online cash.
China used prisoners in lucrative internet gaming work [via]
The online gold accumulated proved to be lucrative and can be traded for real cash in the cyber-gaming industry. "Gold farming" is common with lots of gamers across the globe that would pay real money for game currency just so they could progress in the game. World of Warcraft was one of many games the inmates had to trudge through to accrue certain amounts of online cash.
China used prisoners in lucrative internet gaming work [via]
Reit or Business Trust?
A well-written article by the MoneySense on the topic Reit or Business Trust. It basically looks at the two different structures in more details and also spells out the key differences.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
the mrbrown show: the Ser-Luck-a-lot remix (music video)
Without nothing nothing substantial to say during of his General Election (GE) 2011 rally, Teo Ser Luck spent precious minutes simply shouting out names.
PM Lee issues Rules of Prudence for PAP MPs
This letter was issued by the Prime Minister's Office to all PAP MPs, a copy of which was made available to the media:
1. Our Party has won 81 out of 87 seats in the just concluded General Election. The opposition contested 82 seats, of which the PAP won 76, with 60.1% of the votes.
2. The people have given us a clear mandate to carry out our programmes. We must fulfil what we have promised to do in our manifesto. We must never break faith with the people, but always carry out our duties to them responsibly, address their worries and advance their interests.
3. The elections have shown that voters have concerns which need to be addressed. The Government will have to significantly improve our outreach to voters, our approach to formulating policies, and our policies themselves. As MPs, you play key roles in all these areas. You have to listen hard to voter concerns, help them to tackle pressing needs, reflect their worries and aspirations to the Government and persuade them to support policies which are in their own long term benefit.
4. Singapore is in a new phase of its political development. The PAP government has to operate and govern in a different way than before. But two things should not change. First, we must always hold fast to the spirit of service to the people, and work hard on their behalf. Second, we must never compromise the high standards of honesty and integrity, which have enabled the PAP to keep trust with the people all these decades.
5. The PAP's reputation for clean, incorruptible government is one of our most precious assets. As PAP MPs, your standing in society reflects this high standing of the Party as a whole. I cannot stress strongly enough that every MP must uphold the rigorous standards that we have set for ourselves, and do nothing to compromise them. Never give cause for accusations that you are misusing your position, especially your access to Ministers. This would discredit both you and the Party.
6. As MPs, you will come across many different sorts of people. Some will be altruistic, public spirited people who will help you without wanting anything in return, spending their time and money to get community projects going and to serve your residents. But a few will cultivate you in order to obtain benefits for themselves or their companies, to gain respectability by association with you, or to get you to influence ministries and statutory boards to make decisions in their favour. Gift hampers on festive occasions, entertainment, and personal favours big and small are just a few of countless social lubricants which such people use to ingratiate themselves to MPs and make you obligated to them.
7. You must be able to distinguish between these two groups of people, and be shrewd in assessing the motives of those who seek to get close to you. At all times you must be seen to be beyond the influence of gifts or favours.
8. You should be scrupulously proper in your contacts with government departments or public officers. Do not lobby any ministry or statutory board on behalf of anyone who is not your constituent or grassroots activist. Do not raise matters with public officers on behalf of friends, clients, contractors, employers, or financiers to advance their business interests. To be above board, conduct business with public officers in writing and avoid making telephone requests. If you have to speak, follow up in writing to put your requests on record.
9. MPs are often approached by friends, grassroots leaders or proprietors of shops and businessmen to officiate at the openings of their new shops or other business events. They usually offer a gesture, such as a donation to a charity or constituency welfare fund. Though you may find it awkward to refuse such requests, once you accept one, you will be hard-pressed to draw a line. As a rule, you should decline invitations to such business events unless you have obtained prior approval from the Whip. The Whip will grant approval only if the business is one that will add much value to the economy.
10. You must separate your public political position from your private business or professional interests. MPs who are in business, who occupy senior management positions in companies, or who sit on company boards should be especially vigilant. You must not exploit your public position as Government MPs, your close contacts with the Ministers, or your access to government departments and civil servants, for your personal business interest or the benefit of your employers. Your conduct must always be above board.
11. MPs who are employed by companies or industry associations may at times have to make public statements on behalf of their company or industry association. If you have to do so, make it clear that you are not speaking as an MP, but in your private, professional or business capacity.
12. When you raise questions in Parliament related to your own businesses, you should first declare your pecuniary interest in the issue. Do not use Parliamentary questions as a means to lobby the Government on behalf of your businesses.
13. You may, however, speak freely to Cabinet Ministers, who are your Parliamentary colleagues. Ministers will listen carefully to arguments on principles, especially when they relate to the general policy of their Ministries. But Ministers will not change individual acts of discretion, unless they have very good reasons which they can justify publicly. Parliamentary Secretaries and Ministers of State who intervene in their Ministries to reverse or alter decisions should promptly report the matter to their Ministers to protect themselves against possible accusations of misconduct. The Government must always base decisions on the merits of the issues, and cannot yield to pressure from interested parties.
14. MPs are often invited to serve on the Boards of private and publicly listed companies. This is a sign that private sector values PAP MPs' integrity and service, and reflects the high standing of the Party and of PAP MPs in general. The Party permits MPs to serve as directors, provided you keep your private and public responsibilities rigorously separate.
15. The public will closely scrutinise your involvement in companies, because you are a PAP MP. You should conduct your business activities so as to bring credit to yourself and to the Party. Adverse publicity on your performance as a director, or lapses in the companies you are associated with, will tarnish your reputation as an MP and lower the public's regard for the Party.
16. You should not solicit for Directorships in any companies, lest you appear to be exploiting your political position to benefit yourself.
17. You should not accept directorships where the company just wants to dress up the board with a PAP MP or two, in order to look more respectable.
18. Some grassroots leaders are businessmen who own or manage companies. You should not sit on any boards of companies owned or chaired by grassroots leaders appointed by you, so as to avoid the perception that you are obligated to them or advancing their business interests.
19. If you are offered a Directorship, you have to decide for yourself whether to accept. The Party is not in a position to vet or approve such decisions.
20. Before accepting, consider the possible impact of the Directorship on your political life. Ensure that the company understands that you are doing so strictly in your private capacity, and will not use your public position to champion the interests of the company, or lobby the government on its behalf.
21. Make every effort to familiarise yourself with the business, track record and background of the key promoters of the company. Satisfy yourself that the company is reputable, and that you are able to make a meaningful contribution. Specifically, just like anyone else contemplating a Directorship, you should ask yourself:
a. How well do you know the company, its business strategy, financial status, shareholding structure and the underlying industry?
b. Do you know your fellow directors, the way the Board and its committees fulfil their responsibilities, the reporting structure between Board and Management and the relationship between shareholders and the company?
c. Do you have sufficient industry, financial or professional expertise to fulfil your expected role and responsibilities as a Director? Do you understand your obligations under the law and the Code of Corporate Governance? Will you be able to discharge your fiduciary duties properly and without fear or favour?
d. Will you face any conflicts of interest, and if so can you manage them?
If you are in any doubt, you should decline.
22. Once you have decided to accept an offer of a Directorship, please inform the Whip. Detailed reporting requirements can be found in the Annex.
23. MPs are expected to attend all sittings of Parliament. If you have to be absent from any sitting, seek the prior permission of the Government Whip. Please inform the Whip if you have to leave the Parliament premises while a sitting is on.
24. If you travel abroad, or need to be absent from Parliament for any reason, you must apply to the Speaker for leave, with copies to the Leader of the House and the Government Whip. You should also inform the Whip where you can be reached while away from Singapore.
25. I will ask the Speaker to give all MPs, particularly new MPs, ample opportunity and latitude to speak in Parliament. Your first opportunity will be during the debate following the President's Address at the opening of Parliament. At the Budget Debate, all MPs should speak up. Script your speeches or put your key points in note form to organise your ideas, and help the media.
26. The public expects PAP MPs to express their views frankly, whether for or against Government policies. In debates, speak freely and with conviction.Press your points vigorously, and do not shy away from robust debate. However, please exercise judgement when putting your points across.
27. Bring out grapevine talk for the Government to rebut, but do not unwittingly lend credence to baseless gossip. By doing so, you help ministers to put across the facts, explain the reasons for policies and decisions, and hence maintain public confidence in the openness and integrity of our actions.
28. Your honest, informed views are an important political input which Ministers will consider in formulating and calibrating policies. Ministers will accept valid, constructive suggestions, but they have to correct inaccurate or mistaken impressions. Over time, the public will see that PAP backbenchers are as effective as opposition MPs, if not better, at holding ministers to account, debating issues fully, and influencing policies for the better.
29. On certain occasions, like the National Day Parade and the Investiture Ceremony for National Day Awards, the whole Establishment, i.e. the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, will be there. Those who cannot attend must have very good reasons. Those who have accepted the invitation must attend, otherwise they leave empty seats, which does no credit to them or to the Party.
30. At all public functions and constituency events, punctuality is of paramount importance.
31. You should not accept gifts which might place you under an obligation which conflicts with your public duties. If you receive any gifts other than from close personal friends or relatives, you must declare them to the Clerk of Parliament who will have the gifts valued. If you wish to keep the gifts, you must pay the Government for them at the valuation price.
32. Party Branches should not raise funds on their own without permission, for example by soliciting advertisements for a souvenir magazine or a carnival. If you intend to raise funds, please clear it beforehand with the Organising Secretary. When your branch embarks on a collective fund-raising activity, e.g. a Family Day or Walk-A-Jog, you must follow the rules strictly.
33. As MPs, you should manage your personal financial affairs prudently. Do not over-extend yourself, or become financially embarrassed. This would be not only a potential source of personal embarrassment, but also a weakness which may expose you to pressure or blackmail.
34. In particular, you should not make major financial commitments assuming that you will continue to receive your MP's allowance. While MPs typically serve several terms, you cannot assume that you will automatically be fielded in future General Elections, or that if fielded you will definitely be re-elected. There is no tenure or job security in politics.
35. For your own protection, every MP should disclose to me, in confidence, your business and professional interests, your present employment and monthly pay, all retainers and fees that you are receiving, and whether your job requires you to get in touch with officers of Government Ministries or statutory boards on behalf of employers or clients. Office holders need not do so because you will be subject to the reporting requirements of the Code of Conduct for ministers. This should be done by 30 June 2011.
36. We have held our position in successive elections because our integrity has never been in doubt, and because we are sensitive to the views and attitudes of the people we represent. MPs must always uphold the high standards of the Party and not have lifestyles or personal conduct which will embarrass themselves and the Party. Any slackening of standards, or show of arrogance or indifference by any MP will erode confidence in him, and ultimately in the Party and Government. New MPs can pick up the dos and don'ts from older MPs, so that they conduct themselves always with modesty, decorum and dignity. You must win respect, not popularity, to stay the course.
37. I am releasing a copy of this letter to the media so that the public knows the high standards we demand of our MPs.
1. Please inform the Whip of all the Directorships that you hold, and of the director's fees or benefits in kind e.g. stock options, which you receive. Include the name of the company, the position(s) held, the date of first appointment and the current Chairman of the Board (if he is someone other than yourself) by end January for the preceding calendar year, using the Schedule attached
2. There is no need to report Directorships of subsidiary companies that you hold by virtue of your employment in the main or holding company.
3. Please update the Whip whenever you have relinquished a Directorship or accepted a new appointment, within two weeks.
Source [via]
1. Our Party has won 81 out of 87 seats in the just concluded General Election. The opposition contested 82 seats, of which the PAP won 76, with 60.1% of the votes.
2. The people have given us a clear mandate to carry out our programmes. We must fulfil what we have promised to do in our manifesto. We must never break faith with the people, but always carry out our duties to them responsibly, address their worries and advance their interests.
3. The elections have shown that voters have concerns which need to be addressed. The Government will have to significantly improve our outreach to voters, our approach to formulating policies, and our policies themselves. As MPs, you play key roles in all these areas. You have to listen hard to voter concerns, help them to tackle pressing needs, reflect their worries and aspirations to the Government and persuade them to support policies which are in their own long term benefit.
4. Singapore is in a new phase of its political development. The PAP government has to operate and govern in a different way than before. But two things should not change. First, we must always hold fast to the spirit of service to the people, and work hard on their behalf. Second, we must never compromise the high standards of honesty and integrity, which have enabled the PAP to keep trust with the people all these decades.
5. The PAP's reputation for clean, incorruptible government is one of our most precious assets. As PAP MPs, your standing in society reflects this high standing of the Party as a whole. I cannot stress strongly enough that every MP must uphold the rigorous standards that we have set for ourselves, and do nothing to compromise them. Never give cause for accusations that you are misusing your position, especially your access to Ministers. This would discredit both you and the Party.
6. As MPs, you will come across many different sorts of people. Some will be altruistic, public spirited people who will help you without wanting anything in return, spending their time and money to get community projects going and to serve your residents. But a few will cultivate you in order to obtain benefits for themselves or their companies, to gain respectability by association with you, or to get you to influence ministries and statutory boards to make decisions in their favour. Gift hampers on festive occasions, entertainment, and personal favours big and small are just a few of countless social lubricants which such people use to ingratiate themselves to MPs and make you obligated to them.
7. You must be able to distinguish between these two groups of people, and be shrewd in assessing the motives of those who seek to get close to you. At all times you must be seen to be beyond the influence of gifts or favours.
8. You should be scrupulously proper in your contacts with government departments or public officers. Do not lobby any ministry or statutory board on behalf of anyone who is not your constituent or grassroots activist. Do not raise matters with public officers on behalf of friends, clients, contractors, employers, or financiers to advance their business interests. To be above board, conduct business with public officers in writing and avoid making telephone requests. If you have to speak, follow up in writing to put your requests on record.
9. MPs are often approached by friends, grassroots leaders or proprietors of shops and businessmen to officiate at the openings of their new shops or other business events. They usually offer a gesture, such as a donation to a charity or constituency welfare fund. Though you may find it awkward to refuse such requests, once you accept one, you will be hard-pressed to draw a line. As a rule, you should decline invitations to such business events unless you have obtained prior approval from the Whip. The Whip will grant approval only if the business is one that will add much value to the economy.
10. You must separate your public political position from your private business or professional interests. MPs who are in business, who occupy senior management positions in companies, or who sit on company boards should be especially vigilant. You must not exploit your public position as Government MPs, your close contacts with the Ministers, or your access to government departments and civil servants, for your personal business interest or the benefit of your employers. Your conduct must always be above board.
11. MPs who are employed by companies or industry associations may at times have to make public statements on behalf of their company or industry association. If you have to do so, make it clear that you are not speaking as an MP, but in your private, professional or business capacity.
12. When you raise questions in Parliament related to your own businesses, you should first declare your pecuniary interest in the issue. Do not use Parliamentary questions as a means to lobby the Government on behalf of your businesses.
13. You may, however, speak freely to Cabinet Ministers, who are your Parliamentary colleagues. Ministers will listen carefully to arguments on principles, especially when they relate to the general policy of their Ministries. But Ministers will not change individual acts of discretion, unless they have very good reasons which they can justify publicly. Parliamentary Secretaries and Ministers of State who intervene in their Ministries to reverse or alter decisions should promptly report the matter to their Ministers to protect themselves against possible accusations of misconduct. The Government must always base decisions on the merits of the issues, and cannot yield to pressure from interested parties.
14. MPs are often invited to serve on the Boards of private and publicly listed companies. This is a sign that private sector values PAP MPs' integrity and service, and reflects the high standing of the Party and of PAP MPs in general. The Party permits MPs to serve as directors, provided you keep your private and public responsibilities rigorously separate.
15. The public will closely scrutinise your involvement in companies, because you are a PAP MP. You should conduct your business activities so as to bring credit to yourself and to the Party. Adverse publicity on your performance as a director, or lapses in the companies you are associated with, will tarnish your reputation as an MP and lower the public's regard for the Party.
16. You should not solicit for Directorships in any companies, lest you appear to be exploiting your political position to benefit yourself.
17. You should not accept directorships where the company just wants to dress up the board with a PAP MP or two, in order to look more respectable.
18. Some grassroots leaders are businessmen who own or manage companies. You should not sit on any boards of companies owned or chaired by grassroots leaders appointed by you, so as to avoid the perception that you are obligated to them or advancing their business interests.
19. If you are offered a Directorship, you have to decide for yourself whether to accept. The Party is not in a position to vet or approve such decisions.
20. Before accepting, consider the possible impact of the Directorship on your political life. Ensure that the company understands that you are doing so strictly in your private capacity, and will not use your public position to champion the interests of the company, or lobby the government on its behalf.
21. Make every effort to familiarise yourself with the business, track record and background of the key promoters of the company. Satisfy yourself that the company is reputable, and that you are able to make a meaningful contribution. Specifically, just like anyone else contemplating a Directorship, you should ask yourself:
a. How well do you know the company, its business strategy, financial status, shareholding structure and the underlying industry?
b. Do you know your fellow directors, the way the Board and its committees fulfil their responsibilities, the reporting structure between Board and Management and the relationship between shareholders and the company?
c. Do you have sufficient industry, financial or professional expertise to fulfil your expected role and responsibilities as a Director? Do you understand your obligations under the law and the Code of Corporate Governance? Will you be able to discharge your fiduciary duties properly and without fear or favour?
d. Will you face any conflicts of interest, and if so can you manage them?
If you are in any doubt, you should decline.
22. Once you have decided to accept an offer of a Directorship, please inform the Whip. Detailed reporting requirements can be found in the Annex.
23. MPs are expected to attend all sittings of Parliament. If you have to be absent from any sitting, seek the prior permission of the Government Whip. Please inform the Whip if you have to leave the Parliament premises while a sitting is on.
24. If you travel abroad, or need to be absent from Parliament for any reason, you must apply to the Speaker for leave, with copies to the Leader of the House and the Government Whip. You should also inform the Whip where you can be reached while away from Singapore.
25. I will ask the Speaker to give all MPs, particularly new MPs, ample opportunity and latitude to speak in Parliament. Your first opportunity will be during the debate following the President's Address at the opening of Parliament. At the Budget Debate, all MPs should speak up. Script your speeches or put your key points in note form to organise your ideas, and help the media.
26. The public expects PAP MPs to express their views frankly, whether for or against Government policies. In debates, speak freely and with conviction.Press your points vigorously, and do not shy away from robust debate. However, please exercise judgement when putting your points across.
27. Bring out grapevine talk for the Government to rebut, but do not unwittingly lend credence to baseless gossip. By doing so, you help ministers to put across the facts, explain the reasons for policies and decisions, and hence maintain public confidence in the openness and integrity of our actions.
28. Your honest, informed views are an important political input which Ministers will consider in formulating and calibrating policies. Ministers will accept valid, constructive suggestions, but they have to correct inaccurate or mistaken impressions. Over time, the public will see that PAP backbenchers are as effective as opposition MPs, if not better, at holding ministers to account, debating issues fully, and influencing policies for the better.
29. On certain occasions, like the National Day Parade and the Investiture Ceremony for National Day Awards, the whole Establishment, i.e. the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, will be there. Those who cannot attend must have very good reasons. Those who have accepted the invitation must attend, otherwise they leave empty seats, which does no credit to them or to the Party.
30. At all public functions and constituency events, punctuality is of paramount importance.
31. You should not accept gifts which might place you under an obligation which conflicts with your public duties. If you receive any gifts other than from close personal friends or relatives, you must declare them to the Clerk of Parliament who will have the gifts valued. If you wish to keep the gifts, you must pay the Government for them at the valuation price.
32. Party Branches should not raise funds on their own without permission, for example by soliciting advertisements for a souvenir magazine or a carnival. If you intend to raise funds, please clear it beforehand with the Organising Secretary. When your branch embarks on a collective fund-raising activity, e.g. a Family Day or Walk-A-Jog, you must follow the rules strictly.
33. As MPs, you should manage your personal financial affairs prudently. Do not over-extend yourself, or become financially embarrassed. This would be not only a potential source of personal embarrassment, but also a weakness which may expose you to pressure or blackmail.
34. In particular, you should not make major financial commitments assuming that you will continue to receive your MP's allowance. While MPs typically serve several terms, you cannot assume that you will automatically be fielded in future General Elections, or that if fielded you will definitely be re-elected. There is no tenure or job security in politics.
35. For your own protection, every MP should disclose to me, in confidence, your business and professional interests, your present employment and monthly pay, all retainers and fees that you are receiving, and whether your job requires you to get in touch with officers of Government Ministries or statutory boards on behalf of employers or clients. Office holders need not do so because you will be subject to the reporting requirements of the Code of Conduct for ministers. This should be done by 30 June 2011.
36. We have held our position in successive elections because our integrity has never been in doubt, and because we are sensitive to the views and attitudes of the people we represent. MPs must always uphold the high standards of the Party and not have lifestyles or personal conduct which will embarrass themselves and the Party. Any slackening of standards, or show of arrogance or indifference by any MP will erode confidence in him, and ultimately in the Party and Government. New MPs can pick up the dos and don'ts from older MPs, so that they conduct themselves always with modesty, decorum and dignity. You must win respect, not popularity, to stay the course.
37. I am releasing a copy of this letter to the media so that the public knows the high standards we demand of our MPs.
1. Please inform the Whip of all the Directorships that you hold, and of the director's fees or benefits in kind e.g. stock options, which you receive. Include the name of the company, the position(s) held, the date of first appointment and the current Chairman of the Board (if he is someone other than yourself) by end January for the preceding calendar year, using the Schedule attached
2. There is no need to report Directorships of subsidiary companies that you hold by virtue of your employment in the main or holding company.
3. Please update the Whip whenever you have relinquished a Directorship or accepted a new appointment, within two weeks.
Source [via]
Dr Lim Wee Kiak apologised and withdrawn the remarks he made about ministerial salaries
Dr Lim Wee Kiak, Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC, has since apologised and withdrawn the remarks he made about ministerial salaries. In a note on his Facebook page on Friday, MP Lim said he would like to clarify the comments he made to Lianhe Zaobao and reproduced in LianheWanBao. The comments had been quickly slammed by netizens.
His comments, as quoted from the Chinese papers:
Apology by Dr Lim Wee Kiak himself on his Facebook [via]
Clarification, apology and withdrawal of my quote.
Minister's pay is a sensitive issue and is one that many are concerned about. I would like to clarify my comments made to Lianhe Zaobao and also reproduced in LianheWanBao
I made three fundamental points.
1. We need a balanced approach to the question of Ministerial pay.
2. Personally, I think we should not use pay and perks to attract capable people to come forward to serve. I agree with PM that there is a service to country element and an element of sacrifice expected for the Ministers by the public.
3. On the other hand, we need to take into consideration their responsibilities and job scope when we remunerate Ministers.
On further reflection, I agree that the example I quoted regarding a MICA minister meeting the heads of telcos and saying that there may be some loss of face if the minister's salary is low is inappropriate and incorrect. I withdraw those remarks and apologise for making them. Dignity cannot be and must not be measured purely in monetary terms.
MP Lim Wee Kiak apologises for comments on pay [via]
His comments, as quoted from the Chinese papers:
If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communication and Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discuss policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister's ideas and proposals. Hence, a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity.
Apology by Dr Lim Wee Kiak himself on his Facebook [via]
Clarification, apology and withdrawal of my quote.
Minister's pay is a sensitive issue and is one that many are concerned about. I would like to clarify my comments made to Lianhe Zaobao and also reproduced in LianheWanBao
I made three fundamental points.
1. We need a balanced approach to the question of Ministerial pay.
2. Personally, I think we should not use pay and perks to attract capable people to come forward to serve. I agree with PM that there is a service to country element and an element of sacrifice expected for the Ministers by the public.
3. On the other hand, we need to take into consideration their responsibilities and job scope when we remunerate Ministers.
On further reflection, I agree that the example I quoted regarding a MICA minister meeting the heads of telcos and saying that there may be some loss of face if the minister's salary is low is inappropriate and incorrect. I withdraw those remarks and apologise for making them. Dignity cannot be and must not be measured purely in monetary terms.
MP Lim Wee Kiak apologises for comments on pay [via]
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Stay away from Chinese shipbuilders - Irregularities Findings
According to a report by CIMB Securities:
Offshore Marine and Chinese Shipbuilders
What happened: News emerged on irregularities findings in 2009 financial statements of 17 Chinese SOEs including CNOOC. CHALCO, COSCO and China Unicom. 1.9bn RMB (US$292m) of assets and 2.63bn RMB (US$404m) of profits were found overstated while 3.43bn RMB (US$527m) of liabilities were falsely included. Some other profits, assets and liabilities were unaccounted.
What we think: Share prices for the Chinese shipbuilders (Cosco and YZJ) have already reacted negatively to the news with both stocks down 3% this morning. Cosco being an SOE, with repeated provisions made over the past year and lack of accounting treatment transparency could face further sell-down with this news. YZJ's >RMB10bn of financial assets may be seen as risky by investors given the reduced confidence in the 'accuracy' of Chinese financial statements.
What you should do: Stay away from Chinese shipbuilders for now given the negative sentiments. We maintain our NEUTRAL view on both stocks given the (i) execution risk in Cosco and (ii) concerns of chunky financial assets in YZJ and its earnings quality dilution. Downside risk however could be mitigated by some contract wins.
Offshore Marine and Chinese Shipbuilders
What happened: News emerged on irregularities findings in 2009 financial statements of 17 Chinese SOEs including CNOOC. CHALCO, COSCO and China Unicom. 1.9bn RMB (US$292m) of assets and 2.63bn RMB (US$404m) of profits were found overstated while 3.43bn RMB (US$527m) of liabilities were falsely included. Some other profits, assets and liabilities were unaccounted.
What we think: Share prices for the Chinese shipbuilders (Cosco and YZJ) have already reacted negatively to the news with both stocks down 3% this morning. Cosco being an SOE, with repeated provisions made over the past year and lack of accounting treatment transparency could face further sell-down with this news. YZJ's >RMB10bn of financial assets may be seen as risky by investors given the reduced confidence in the 'accuracy' of Chinese financial statements.
What you should do: Stay away from Chinese shipbuilders for now given the negative sentiments. We maintain our NEUTRAL view on both stocks given the (i) execution risk in Cosco and (ii) concerns of chunky financial assets in YZJ and its earnings quality dilution. Downside risk however could be mitigated by some contract wins.
Facebook Tests User Page Recommendations
Share, Like, Send, Comments -- now Facebook testing Recommends.
Facebook Tests User Page Recommendations [via]
Facebook Tests User Page Recommendations [via]
Google Search finally got its own official blog
Google launched a new blog recently and guess what is it about? It's an official blog for its Google Search.
Google Inside Search - The Official Google Search Blog
Introducing our official search blog [via]
In the past we’ve published information about search on the Official Google Blog (more than 400 posts about search and more than 50 weekly wrap-ups), and webmaster-oriented posts on the Webmaster Central Blog (more than 300 posts). We also operate a help center for search and another for webmasters. That’s not to mention the search help forums which have more than 50,000 discussions, and the webmaster central help forums with more than 90,000. Combine this with YouTube channels and search conferences, and it’s safe to say we talk a lot about search.
Even with all these channels, we still felt we were missing something. We didn’t want to flood the Official Google Blog with smaller stories and announcements, and the Webmaster Central Blog is really meant for, well, webmasters. We started our series “This week in search” to provide a way to share information about some of the smaller updates we’re making, but we got feedback that people wanted their search news and information as it happens, not just weekly. So, we’re starting Inside Search as a place where you can find regular updates on the intricacies of search and our team. We have more engineers working on search than any other product, and each one of us has stories to tell.
Google Inside Search - The Official Google Search Blog
Introducing our official search blog [via]
Launcher 7 brings Windows Phone screen to Android
Android users can now have a try at Windows Phone simple, tiled home screen design to your Android phone by installing Launcher 7. Launcher 7 is a free download for Android devices. It also has a $1.41 Pro version that removes the ads in the app drawer.
Download Launcher 7 now via the Android Market.
Download Launcher 7 now via the Android Market.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Google Offline Gmail no longer supported on Chrome 11 or higher
As Google begin moving towards adopting HTML 5.0 and ditching its Gears away, Offline Gmail is now no longer supported on Chrome 11 or higher (though it was first announced the phase out is to be from version 12 onwards).
What's changing with Gmail Offline and browser support? [via]
The new Gmail Offline capability is targeted for delivery as a Chrome browser web app this summer.
As we move the Gmail Offline capability to a Chrome web app, we will deprecate the Google Gears-based Gmail Offline. This coincides with the version 12 release of the Google Chrome browser which no longer supports Gears (Gears blogpost). As a result, Google Gears-based Gmail Offline will no longer work with the Chrome browser as of Tuesday May 24, 2011. Google Gears-based Gmail Offline will continue to work in versions of Internet Explorer 8 and Mozilla Firefox versions 3.6.
![]() |
Offline Mail no longer supported |
What's changing with Gmail Offline and browser support? [via]
The new Gmail Offline capability is targeted for delivery as a Chrome browser web app this summer.
As we move the Gmail Offline capability to a Chrome web app, we will deprecate the Google Gears-based Gmail Offline. This coincides with the version 12 release of the Google Chrome browser which no longer supports Gears (Gears blogpost). As a result, Google Gears-based Gmail Offline will no longer work with the Chrome browser as of Tuesday May 24, 2011. Google Gears-based Gmail Offline will continue to work in versions of Internet Explorer 8 and Mozilla Firefox versions 3.6.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Singapore Full list of Cabinet Ministers - Reshuffled
As quoted from Yahoo! and PAP site.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the new Cabinet line-up on Wednesday.
Wong Kan Seng, Mah Bow Tan and Raymond Lim will be retiring from the Cabinet.
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, who announced their decision to step down on Saturday, will be appointed an Senior Advisors to the Government Investment Corporation of Singapore and Monetary Authority of Singapore, respectively.
SM Goh will also be given the title Emeritus Senior Minister.
Here is the newly formed line-up of:
Lee Hsien Loong - Prime Minister
Teo Chee Hean - Deputy Prime Minister, coordinating Minister for National Security, Minister for Home Affairs
Tharman Shanmugaratnam - Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Finance, Minister for Manpower (promotion)
Mr Lui Tuck Yew - Minister for Transport
Lim Hng Kiang - Minister for Trade and Industry
Lim Swee Say - Minister in Prime Minister's Office
Assoc Prof Yaacob Ibrahim - Minister for Information and Communication and the Arts
Khaw Boon Wan - Minister for National Development
Dr Ng Eng Hen - Minister for Defence
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan - Minister for Environment and Water Resources
K Shanmugam - Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law
Gan Kim Yong - Minister for Health
S Iswaran - Minister in Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Home Affairs, Second Minister for Trade and Industry (promotion)
Heng Swee Keat - Minister for Education (new appointee)
MG (NS) Chan Chun Sing - Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Minister of State for Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (new appointee)
Grace Fu - Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources
Heng Chee How - Prime Minister's Office (promotion)
Lee Yi Shyan - Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of National Development
Dr Amy Khor - Ministry of Health
Masagos Zulkifli - Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Teo Ser Luck - Ministry of Trade and Industry (promotion)
Halimah Yacob - Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (new appointee)
Josephine Teo - Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport (new appointee)
Lawrence Wong - Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education (new appointee)
BG (NS) Tan Chuan-Jin - Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Manpower (new appointee)
Hawazi Daipi - Ministry of Education, Ministry of Manpower
Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman - Ministry of Defence, Ministry of National Development
Sam Tan - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports
Sim Ann - Ministry of Education, Ministry of Law (new appointee)
The new Cabinet will be sworn in by President SR Nathan this Saturday at 730pm.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the new Cabinet line-up on Wednesday.
Wong Kan Seng, Mah Bow Tan and Raymond Lim will be retiring from the Cabinet.
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, who announced their decision to step down on Saturday, will be appointed an Senior Advisors to the Government Investment Corporation of Singapore and Monetary Authority of Singapore, respectively.
SM Goh will also be given the title Emeritus Senior Minister.
Here is the newly formed line-up of:
Lee Hsien Loong - Prime Minister
Teo Chee Hean - Deputy Prime Minister, coordinating Minister for National Security, Minister for Home Affairs
Tharman Shanmugaratnam - Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Finance, Minister for Manpower (promotion)
Mr Lui Tuck Yew - Minister for Transport
Lim Hng Kiang - Minister for Trade and Industry
Lim Swee Say - Minister in Prime Minister's Office
Assoc Prof Yaacob Ibrahim - Minister for Information and Communication and the Arts
Khaw Boon Wan - Minister for National Development
Dr Ng Eng Hen - Minister for Defence
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan - Minister for Environment and Water Resources
K Shanmugam - Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law
Gan Kim Yong - Minister for Health
S Iswaran - Minister in Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Home Affairs, Second Minister for Trade and Industry (promotion)
Heng Swee Keat - Minister for Education (new appointee)
MG (NS) Chan Chun Sing - Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Minister of State for Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (new appointee)
Grace Fu - Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources
Heng Chee How - Prime Minister's Office (promotion)
Lee Yi Shyan - Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of National Development
Dr Amy Khor - Ministry of Health
Masagos Zulkifli - Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Teo Ser Luck - Ministry of Trade and Industry (promotion)
Halimah Yacob - Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (new appointee)
Josephine Teo - Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport (new appointee)
Lawrence Wong - Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education (new appointee)
BG (NS) Tan Chuan-Jin - Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Manpower (new appointee)
Hawazi Daipi - Ministry of Education, Ministry of Manpower
Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman - Ministry of Defence, Ministry of National Development
Sam Tan - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports
Sim Ann - Ministry of Education, Ministry of Law (new appointee)
The new Cabinet will be sworn in by President SR Nathan this Saturday at 730pm.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Where and How to apply for NDP 2011 tickets?
Here's the ticketing info on where and how to apply for NDP 2011 tickets.
From 20th May 0000hrs to 29th May 2359 hrs, you may apply for your NDP tickets.
See the QR code below? Scan it now to download the NDPontheGo Mobile App for one-touch ticket application!
Find out about other means of ticket application by going to
From 20th May 0000hrs to 29th May 2359 hrs, you may apply for your NDP tickets.
See the QR code below? Scan it now to download the NDPontheGo Mobile App for one-touch ticket application!
Find out about other means of ticket application by going to
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Database Shrink MsSQL database log file
Many questions have been raised on the Internet on how to shrink the file size of a database log file. The following code snippet will do what is needed (replace mydbname with your database name).
USE mydbname GO ALTER DATABASE mydbname Set Recovery Simple GO ALTER DATABASE mydbname Set Recovery Full GO DBCC SHRINKFILE ('mydbname_log', 1) GO
Bing enhances its social search, adding more Facebook 'Likes' to search results
Microsoft announced on its bing blog on Monday expanded its use of Facebook within its Bing search engine, adding "likes" and recommendations from friends and strangers into search results.
Watch the following videos for a snapshot on how the new search works.
Facebook Friends Now Fueling Faster Decisions on Bing [via]
Watch the following videos for a snapshot on how the new search works.
Facebook Friends Now Fueling Faster Decisions on Bing [via]
Google News Settings For Blogs & Press Releases, Plus Auto-Reload
Barry Schwartz noticed Google News has added a few new settings and options for users.
If you go to your Google News Settings you will see the ability to control how often you see blogs sources and press releases in your Google News results. Plus, you can now tell Google you want the Google News page to reload every 15 minutes.
Google News Settings For Blogs & Press Releases, Plus Auto-Reload [via]
If you go to your Google News Settings you will see the ability to control how often you see blogs sources and press releases in your Google News results. Plus, you can now tell Google you want the Google News page to reload every 15 minutes.
Google News Settings For Blogs & Press Releases, Plus Auto-Reload [via]
Google News - New Settings with new features
Barry Schwartz noticed Google News has added a few new settings and options for users.
If you go to your Google News Settings you will see the ability to control how often you see blogs sources and press releases in your Google News results. Plus, you can now tell Google you want the Google News page to reload every 15 minutes.
The new Google News also promised a more streamlined experience with the following new offerings:
Expanding Google News for more variety and multimedia [via]
If you go to your Google News Settings you will see the ability to control how often you see blogs sources and press releases in your Google News results. Plus, you can now tell Google you want the Google News page to reload every 15 minutes.
The new Google News also promised a more streamlined experience with the following new offerings:
- Click-to-expand: Each story cluster is collapsed down to one headline with the exception of the top story. When something grabs you, click nearby anywhere but the title to expand the story box.
- Labeled diversity: For stories you’ve expanded, you’ll see genre labels for some of the additional articles that explain why they were chosen and how they add value. For example, you might see something labeled as an “Opinion” piece or an indication that an article is “In Depth.”
- Multimedia and more: Within each expanded story box, you’ll find a sliding bar of videos and photos, links to related sections and easier-to-use sharing options, so you can quickly digest the sights and sounds of a news story, dig into different types of publications and share what you find interesting with one click.
- Personalized top stories: The Top Stories section is expanded to six or more stories from three to give you more topic diversity. The first three stories remain unpersonalized and the same as before. The rest may be personalized based on your interests. To personalize your Google News experience you can click on “Edit” under “News for you.” You can choose the “Standard Edition” if you don’t want personalization.
- Less is more: The default view is now the popular “One Column” (formerly “Section”) view. We merged List View into Top Stories, as described above. You can still switch to “Two Column” view, which resembles classic Google News.
Expanding Google News for more variety and multimedia [via]
Nokia to drop 'Ovi' - A re-branding exercise
Nokia has announced on its blog the decision to dropped 'Ovi' and use 'Nokia' instead. This is a re-branding of its suite of mobile apps and services.
Meaning to say, instead of Ovi Store and Ovi Maps, we will have Nokia Store and Ovi Maps.
The evolution of Nokia and Ovi [via]
Meaning to say, instead of Ovi Store and Ovi Maps, we will have Nokia Store and Ovi Maps.
Today, Nokia made a decision to change our service branding from Ovi to Nokia. The main reason for this change is so we can leverage the high-value of the Nokia master brand to better support future plans to deliver disruptive and compelling mobile experiences globally.
Of course the irony of this announcement is not lost on all of us here at the Ovi Blog. It is important to reiterate that we are changing the name of our services from Ovi to Nokia, not closing them. This space will continue to be an important source for news, trends and tips for mobile experiences enjoyed by millions of the Nokia faithful. We will keep you posted as we evolve our presence to fit our new direction.
The evolution of Nokia and Ovi [via]
US government hits the debt ceiling
This sounds rather scary. A slow downfall to the U.S. dollar?
US government hits the debt ceiling [via]
The U.S. government officially hit the federal debt limit Monday, prompting the Treasury Department to invoke new measures to prevent a default.
US government hits the debt ceiling [via]
Senate got Apple and Google for a second round questioning over privacy; Facebook involved too
The U.S. Senate has got Apple and Google for a second round of questioning over privacy issues, specifically relating to them collating geo-location information from users. This time round, Facebook is also being called for questioning. Facebook added location Check-Ins feature called 'Places' in August 2010.
Senate Not Done Questioning Apple and Google on Privacy [via]
Senate Not Done Questioning Apple and Google on Privacy [via]
Monday, May 16, 2011
Member of public made police report against Tin Pei Ling
The police had confirmed that a police report was made by a member of the public against Marine Parade MP-elect Ms Tin Pei Ling for allegedly violating "cooling-off day" guidelines. Opposition party National Solidarity Party (NSP) first made a complaint against Ms Tin on that day.
Police report lodged against Tin Pei Ling over cooling-off day complaint [via]
Police report lodged against Tin Pei Ling over cooling-off day complaint [via]
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Workers' Party Sylvia Lim leaving Temasek Polytechnic to have more time as MP of Aljunied GRC
Workers' Party chairman Sylvia Lim had made a decision to leave Temasek Polytechnic so she would have more time to serve as MP of Aljunied GRC. She had been lecturing Law in Temasek Polytechnic for over 12 years.
It is to note that the news media have been reporting her switching to full-time MP. However, if we were to read her blog post closely, she is exploring into other career options instead - one that is less time consuming for her.
Sylvia Lim's media release on her resignation, as quoted from her blog is as follows:
It is to note that the news media have been reporting her switching to full-time MP. However, if we were to read her blog post closely, she is exploring into other career options instead - one that is less time consuming for her.
Sylvia Lim's media release on her resignation, as quoted from her blog is as follows:
This is to confirm that I have, on 13 May 2011, tendered my resignation from my position at Temasek Polytechnic, after more than twelve years of service.
The move is prompted by what I anticipate to be an increased workload after being elected as part of the Workers' Party team for Aljunied GRC in General Elections 2011.
My role at the Polytechnic included teaching full-time and part-time students, as well as co-ordinating continuing education initiatives for adult learners undertaken by the Polytechnic's School of Business. To fulfill these responsibilities well would require sufficient time, focus and dedication.
Already in the last 5 years as Non-Constituency Member of Parliament, working hours have been spent on Parliamentary activities such as sittings and the occasional overseas trip. While the Polytechnic management has supported these national platforms, I foresee that the years ahead as an elected Member will be even more demanding.
After due consideration, I have concluded that it would not be fair to the Polytechnic management, colleagues and students for me to continue in my post at Temasek Polytechnic as an elected MP. I will henceforth explore other career options.
This decision to leave Temasek Polytechnic was arrived at with decidedly mixed feelings, as I have enjoyed my work and colleagues there tremendously. I would like to record my sincere thanks to the Polytechnic management and colleagues for their kind understanding and friendship all these years.
MM Lee Kwan Yew and SM Goh Chok Tong step down from Cabinet - Press Release
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, 87 year old founding father of modern Singapore, says Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and he believe decision to leave the Cabinet is the right thing to do, to give Prime Minister and his team the room to break from the past. This would give a clear signal that the PAP has never been averse to change.
The below is the press statement released by MM Lee and SM Goh:
The below is the press statement released by MM Lee and SM Goh:
We have studied the new political situation and thought how it can affect the future. We have made our contributions to the development of Singapore. The time has come for a younger generation to carry Singapore forward in a more difficult and complex situation. The Prime Minister and his team of younger leaders should have a fresh clean slate. A younger generation, besides having a non-corrupt and meritocratic government and a high standard of living, wants to be more engaged in the decisions which affect them. After a watershed general election, we have decided to leave the cabinet and have a completely younger team of ministers to connect to and engage with this young generation in shaping the future of our Singapore.
But the younger team must always have in mind the interests of the older generation. This generation who has contributed to Singapore must be well-looked after.
Facebook says no 'smear' campaign intended against Google (What happened)
Just another news where Facebook did yet another thing that is unethical. A quick summary on the recent event involving Facebook and Google is that the former was suspected to have launched a 'smear' campaign against Google's networking site Social Circle.
What actually happened?
Facebook actually hired an upscale PR firm, Burson-Marsteller to help spread negative press regarding Google's Social Circle, accusing Google violation in privacy. After Facebook's dirty acts were exposed, many see this as unethical and downright unscrupulous. Facebook attempted a damage control act, disclaiming no intention of a 'smear' campaign.
Facebook's press statement about the campaign aimed at Google's Social Circle feature:
In a statement released Thursday, Burson-Marsteller backed away from the campaign, saying it went against the firm's policies and "should have been declined."
Press statement from Burson:
Such underhanded and malicious PR attack against Google can only backfire. Instead of people focusing on Google's Social Circle privacy policy, media is now portraying Facebook as being "dirty" and evil.
Quoted from a blog post:
If ever Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg did anything that is NOT unethical, it would have been a shocking news that can move the world.
SHAME on Facebook.
What actually happened?
Facebook actually hired an upscale PR firm, Burson-Marsteller to help spread negative press regarding Google's Social Circle, accusing Google violation in privacy. After Facebook's dirty acts were exposed, many see this as unethical and downright unscrupulous. Facebook attempted a damage control act, disclaiming no intention of a 'smear' campaign.
Facebook's press statement about the campaign aimed at Google's Social Circle feature:
No 'smear' campaign was authorized or intended. Instead, we wanted third parties to verify that people did not approve of the collection and use of information from their accounts on Facebook and other services for inclusion in Google Social Circles—just as Facebook did not approve of use or collection for this purpose. We engaged Burson-Marsteller to focus attention on this issue, using publicly available information that could be independently verified by any media organization or analyst. The issues are serious and we should have presented them in a serious and transparent way.
You and your readers can look at the feature and decide if they have approved of this collection and use of information by clicking here when their Google account is open: Of course, people who do not have Gmail accounts are still included in this collection but they have no way to view or control it.
In a statement released Thursday, Burson-Marsteller backed away from the campaign, saying it went against the firm's policies and "should have been declined."
Press statement from Burson:
Now that Facebook has come forward, we can confirm that we undertook an assignment for that client.
The client requested that its name be withheld on the grounds that it was merely asking to bring publicly available information to light and such information could then be independently and easily replicated by any media. Any information brought to media attention raised fair questions, was in the public domain, and was in any event for the media to verify through independent sources.
Whatever the rationale, this was not at all standard operating procedure and is against our policies, and the assignment on those terms should have been declined. When talking to the media, we need to adhere to strict standards of transparency about clients, and this incident underscores the absolute importance of that principle.
Such underhanded and malicious PR attack against Google can only backfire. Instead of people focusing on Google's Social Circle privacy policy, media is now portraying Facebook as being "dirty" and evil.
Quoted from a blog post:
Google hasn’t even had to respond to the situation, and has taken the strong, silent position and high road by not really saying anything negative about Facebook. Well they don’t really have to do they? The media is taking care of all that for them.
If ever Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg did anything that is NOT unethical, it would have been a shocking news that can move the world.
SHAME on Facebook.
How to Fly a Kite?
As extracted from WikiHow, the 8 steps to fly a kite are (but with minor re-odering of sequence):
1. Find a buddy to help you get the kite into the air.
2. Pay attention to the wind direction, here is a diagram:
3. You should hold the ball of string and have your buddy hold the kite or vice versa. The kite should be facing you and the wind.
4. Unwind about 30 yards (23 meters) of string.
5. Signal to your buddy to release the kite. You should pull on the string to launch your kite into the air.
6. Make sure the wind is going in a straight line from you to the other person.
7. To allow the kite to go higher, release length of string.
8. To lower the kite, simply pull in the string.
1. Find a buddy to help you get the kite into the air.
2. Pay attention to the wind direction, here is a diagram:
- Suppose that "I" is you and "U" is the other person holding the kite
- Wind is blowing this direction: I ------------------------------------> U
- "I" stands one end (with the string) ------> "U" stands other end ( with the kite)
3. You should hold the ball of string and have your buddy hold the kite or vice versa. The kite should be facing you and the wind.
4. Unwind about 30 yards (23 meters) of string.
5. Signal to your buddy to release the kite. You should pull on the string to launch your kite into the air.
6. Make sure the wind is going in a straight line from you to the other person.
7. To allow the kite to go higher, release length of string.
8. To lower the kite, simply pull in the string.
Top 10 Awesome Android Features that the iPhone Doesn’t Have
An article by the LifeHacker on the "Top 10 Awesome Android Features that the iPhone Doesn’t Have"
Top 10 Awesome Android Features that the iPhone Doesn’t Have [via]
- True App Integration
- Flash
- Controlling Your Phone From Your Computer
- Custom ROMs
- Wireless App Installation
- Removable Storage and Battery
- Widgets
- Custom Home Launchers
- Automation
- Alternate Keyboards
Top 10 Awesome Android Features that the iPhone Doesn’t Have [via]
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Manchester United win 19th Premiership title
Manchester United win the 19th Premiership title after gaining a point against Blackburn Rovers. This is a record breaker, beating number 18 of Liverpool's.
WhatsApp emerged top Group Text Messaging Service
A poll conducted by the LifeHacker which garnered a total of 1,194 votes revealed WhatsApp as the best app for group texting.
1. WhatsApp (30.82%)
2. Google Voice (22.7%)
3. GroupMe (21.52%)
4. BlackBerry Messenger (15.33%)
5. Beluga (9.63%)
1. WhatsApp (30.82%)
2. Google Voice (22.7%)
3. GroupMe (21.52%)
4. BlackBerry Messenger (15.33%)
5. Beluga (9.63%)
5 New ways to discover great apps on Android Market
It is now easier to search for apps on the Android Market with the addition of 5 new features.
The 5 new features for Android Market focused on helping you find apps you'll love:
Access Android Market at now.
New ways to discover great apps on Android Market [via]
The 5 new features for Android Market focused on helping you find apps you'll love:
- New top app charts
- Editors’ Choice
- Top Developers
- Better related apps
- Trending apps
Access Android Market at now.
New ways to discover great apps on Android Market [via]
Stay tuned: Amazon to have an Android Tablet
In a conversation with Consumer Reports, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos suggested that Amazon's rumored tablet could be a reality.
Singapore General Election 2011 - Percentage of valid votes and changes after adding overseas votes
Aljunied - PAP 45.28% (-0.01%)
Ang Mo Kio - PAP 69.33% (unchanged)
Bishan-Toa Payoh - PAP 56.93% (-0.01%)
Chua Chu Kang - PAP 61.2% (unchanged)
East Coast - PAP 54.83% (unchanged)
Holland-Bukit Timah - PAP 60.08% (-0.02%)
Jurong - PAP 66.96% (unchanged)
Marine Parade - PAP 56.64% (-0.01%)
Moulmein-Kallang - PAP 58.55% (-0.01%)
Nee Soon - PAP 58.40% (-0.01%)
Pasir Ris-Punggol - 64.79% (unchanged)
Sembawang - PAP 63.90% (+0.01%)
Tampines - PAP 57.22% (unchanged)
West Coast - PAP 66.57% (unchanged)
Bukit Panjang - PAP 66.27% (+0.01%)
Hong Kah - PAP 70.61% (unchanged)
Hougang - PAP 35.2% (+0.01%)
Joo Chiat - PAP 51.02% (+0.01%)
Mountbatten - PAP 58.62% (-0.03%)
Pioneer - PAP 60.73% (unchanged)
Potong Pasir - PAP 50.36% (unchanged)
Punggol East - PAP 54.54% (+0.01%), WP 41.01% (-0.01%), SDA 4.45% (unchanged)
Radin Mas - PAP 67.10% (-0.01%)
Sengkang West - PAP 58.11% (+0.03%)
Whampoa - PAP 66.10% (-0.01%)
Yuhua - PAP 66.86% (-0.01%)
Aljunied - PAP 45.28% (-0.01%)
Ang Mo Kio - PAP 69.33% (unchanged)
Bishan-Toa Payoh - PAP 56.93% (-0.01%)
Chua Chu Kang - PAP 61.2% (unchanged)
East Coast - PAP 54.83% (unchanged)
Holland-Bukit Timah - PAP 60.08% (-0.02%)
Jurong - PAP 66.96% (unchanged)
Marine Parade - PAP 56.64% (-0.01%)
Moulmein-Kallang - PAP 58.55% (-0.01%)
Nee Soon - PAP 58.40% (-0.01%)
Pasir Ris-Punggol - 64.79% (unchanged)
Sembawang - PAP 63.90% (+0.01%)
Tampines - PAP 57.22% (unchanged)
West Coast - PAP 66.57% (unchanged)
Bukit Panjang - PAP 66.27% (+0.01%)
Hong Kah - PAP 70.61% (unchanged)
Hougang - PAP 35.2% (+0.01%)
Joo Chiat - PAP 51.02% (+0.01%)
Mountbatten - PAP 58.62% (-0.03%)
Pioneer - PAP 60.73% (unchanged)
Potong Pasir - PAP 50.36% (unchanged)
Punggol East - PAP 54.54% (+0.01%), WP 41.01% (-0.01%), SDA 4.45% (unchanged)
Radin Mas - PAP 67.10% (-0.01%)
Sengkang West - PAP 58.11% (+0.03%)
Whampoa - PAP 66.10% (-0.01%)
Yuhua - PAP 66.86% (-0.01%)
Google Think Insights - A site for data lovers
Think Insights with Google, a website where Google will publish data-supported insights about digital marketing trends. From papers to case studies to videos, Think Insights represents the ongoing work Google is doing to better understand how people use the web, and how marketers are adapting to this changing terrain.
If you'd like to keep up with our latest news, sign up for email alerts to satisfy your monthly Think Insights fix. Too bad there are no RSS feeds.
Think Insights with Google: a new site for data lovers [via]
If you'd like to keep up with our latest news, sign up for email alerts to satisfy your monthly Think Insights fix. Too bad there are no RSS feeds.
Think Insights with Google: a new site for data lovers [via]
Facebook two-factor authentication (2FA) - Login Approvals
Facebook had announced a new, two-factor authentication system whereby the social-networking site will require users to enter a code they receive via text message. This newest opt-in security feature is dubbed Login Approvals.
If you opt into Login Approvals, you will have to "Confirm your phone". You would receive a text message with a specific code to be entered into the system. If you don't want to do this every single time you sign on, you can designate your smartphone, PC, or tablet as a trusted device and Facebook will allow you to sign in without the text code.
Should an attempt to login from an unrecognized device happen, it would not be allowed.
Facebook acknowledged that it's sometimes difficult to balance security and usability.
Introducing Login Approvals [via]
If you opt into Login Approvals, you will have to "Confirm your phone". You would receive a text message with a specific code to be entered into the system. If you don't want to do this every single time you sign on, you can designate your smartphone, PC, or tablet as a trusted device and Facebook will allow you to sign in without the text code.
Should an attempt to login from an unrecognized device happen, it would not be allowed.
If we ever see a login from an unrecognized device, you'll be notified upon your next login and asked to verify the attempted account access. If you don’t recognize this login, you'll be able to change your password with the knowledge that while some one else may have known your login credentials, they were unable to access your account and cause any harm.
If you lose or forget your phone, meanwhile, you can still authorize your account, provided you're accessing it from a trusted device.
Facebook acknowledged that it's sometimes difficult to balance security and usability.
Introducing Login Approvals [via]
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Press Statement by George Yeo on 10 May 2011 at MFA
Press Statement by George Yeo on 10 May 2011 at MFA (Source: George Yeo Facebook)
Thank you for waiting a couple of days for me to rest before meeting you.
I would like to make some remarks before taking questions.
Aljunied voters have decided and I respect their decision. Having committed 23 years of service to the residents, it is only natural for me to feel disappointed but this is politics.
It has been my privilege to have served them all these years and they have enriched my life. They have also enabled me to serve in various capacities as a Cabinet Minister in MITA, Health, MTI and MFA for which I am grateful.
Why did we lose Aljunied?
Mr Low Thia Kiang himself said that they won Aljunied not because the Aljunied team did not do a good job, but because the voters wanted WP to be their voice in Parliament.
Mr Low's analysis is fair and I agree with him. This desire for a strong WP voice in Parliament was a political tide which came in through Aljunied which we were unable to withstand despite our very best efforts. Right from the start, the Workers Party made Aljunied a national battleground.
The fight became one between a Workers Party voice in Parliament and an Aljunied team with two ministers, a potential Speaker of Parliament, a potential minister and a most effective Town Council chairman.
Though I wish the outcome had been different, Aljunied voters have made their choice.
Many of my supporters asked me to stay on to win back Aljunied in five years time. I wanted to level with them and told them last night that it is better for a younger person to take on this important task. I'm already 57 years old and would be 62 by then. Naturally I would help to ensure a smooth handover.
As we ended our campaign on 5 May, I talked about the importance of transforming the PAP. This is a belief I've held for some time. It was not something I felt I could say when the campaign started. But, as the campaign went on, as we heard the growing cry from the heart, I decided to make it plain. Like it or not, we are entering a new phase in Singapore's political development. How we respond to it will decide Singapore's destiny in the 21st century.
I would help in whatever way I can to bring about this transformation of the PAP. I wish I had a mandate from the people of Aljunied to be a strong advocate of such transformation. But I don't.
As for remaining in public life, I will contribute in whatever modest way possible. Many young people have stepped forward to help me in this campaign. Even more have cheered me on. It is not good that so many of them feel alienated from the Singapore they love. I look forward to continue working with them so that the Singapore we struggle for is the Singapore they feel is their own. As to the actual role I can play, I'll be happy to respond to them. In the last few years, I have learnt much from my young friends. Often they led me rather than I led them.
A younger generation has been politicized in this GE. Since the GE results came out, there has been a flood of support for me expressed personally, through friends and relatives, on email and, in an astonishing way, on Internet and FB. The words expressed are heartfelt. Many wrote me long passages, some in tears. I'm grateful for the kind and comforting words and the many good wishes. It will be an honour for me to be an advocate of their cause. As for what I'll do professionally after stepping down as Minister when the new Cabinet is sworn in, I’m not rushing to make a decision. My wife and I thought we should take our time to think this over. We also need a break to spend more time with the family.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the people of Singapore for the honour of serving them in the last 23 years.
Minister George Yeo's Press Conference, 10 May 2011 (Video)
Thank you for waiting a couple of days for me to rest before meeting you.
I would like to make some remarks before taking questions.
Aljunied voters have decided and I respect their decision. Having committed 23 years of service to the residents, it is only natural for me to feel disappointed but this is politics.
It has been my privilege to have served them all these years and they have enriched my life. They have also enabled me to serve in various capacities as a Cabinet Minister in MITA, Health, MTI and MFA for which I am grateful.
Why did we lose Aljunied?
Mr Low Thia Kiang himself said that they won Aljunied not because the Aljunied team did not do a good job, but because the voters wanted WP to be their voice in Parliament.
Mr Low's analysis is fair and I agree with him. This desire for a strong WP voice in Parliament was a political tide which came in through Aljunied which we were unable to withstand despite our very best efforts. Right from the start, the Workers Party made Aljunied a national battleground.
The fight became one between a Workers Party voice in Parliament and an Aljunied team with two ministers, a potential Speaker of Parliament, a potential minister and a most effective Town Council chairman.
Though I wish the outcome had been different, Aljunied voters have made their choice.
Many of my supporters asked me to stay on to win back Aljunied in five years time. I wanted to level with them and told them last night that it is better for a younger person to take on this important task. I'm already 57 years old and would be 62 by then. Naturally I would help to ensure a smooth handover.
As we ended our campaign on 5 May, I talked about the importance of transforming the PAP. This is a belief I've held for some time. It was not something I felt I could say when the campaign started. But, as the campaign went on, as we heard the growing cry from the heart, I decided to make it plain. Like it or not, we are entering a new phase in Singapore's political development. How we respond to it will decide Singapore's destiny in the 21st century.
I would help in whatever way I can to bring about this transformation of the PAP. I wish I had a mandate from the people of Aljunied to be a strong advocate of such transformation. But I don't.
As for remaining in public life, I will contribute in whatever modest way possible. Many young people have stepped forward to help me in this campaign. Even more have cheered me on. It is not good that so many of them feel alienated from the Singapore they love. I look forward to continue working with them so that the Singapore we struggle for is the Singapore they feel is their own. As to the actual role I can play, I'll be happy to respond to them. In the last few years, I have learnt much from my young friends. Often they led me rather than I led them.
A younger generation has been politicized in this GE. Since the GE results came out, there has been a flood of support for me expressed personally, through friends and relatives, on email and, in an astonishing way, on Internet and FB. The words expressed are heartfelt. Many wrote me long passages, some in tears. I'm grateful for the kind and comforting words and the many good wishes. It will be an honour for me to be an advocate of their cause. As for what I'll do professionally after stepping down as Minister when the new Cabinet is sworn in, I’m not rushing to make a decision. My wife and I thought we should take our time to think this over. We also need a break to spend more time with the family.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank the people of Singapore for the honour of serving them in the last 23 years.
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George Yeo last media conference at MFA (Source: George Yeo Facebook) |
Minister George Yeo's Press Conference, 10 May 2011 (Video)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
General Election accidental star - Yam Ah Mee, Returning Officer
Mr Yam Ah Mee is now one of the most recognisable faces in town after having appeared 27 times to announce the winner of each constituency (both GRCs and SMCs) in the Singapore General Election 2011 polling results.
Yam is actually the chief executive officer of the People's Association and was one of the driving forces behind the LTA's Land Transport Master Plan. He was appointed Returning Officer for the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in June last year, succeeding Tan Boon Huat, who has retired. Lest you think he's all talk, he's also chief of the President of the Harvard Club and Harvard Club of Singapore's Volunteer program. This is his actual Facebook profile.
Less than 24 hours after the announcement of polling results ended, he is described as robotic. Facebook Fan page is set up (33,908 likes so far) and Twitter account (564 followers) are setup for him.
There's even a YouTube video making fun, mimicking him as he spoke, repeating the line,
when announcing the individual polling results.
In my opinion, Mr Yam is merely doing a job, one which is serious and demands minimal mistakes when announcing names of candidates, especially in front of national TV. Looking neutral is important to show he is not in favour of any party. Kudos to him!
GE’s accidental internet star [via]
Yam is actually the chief executive officer of the People's Association and was one of the driving forces behind the LTA's Land Transport Master Plan. He was appointed Returning Officer for the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in June last year, succeeding Tan Boon Huat, who has retired. Lest you think he's all talk, he's also chief of the President of the Harvard Club and Harvard Club of Singapore's Volunteer program. This is his actual Facebook profile.
Less than 24 hours after the announcement of polling results ended, he is described as robotic. Facebook Fan page is set up (33,908 likes so far) and Twitter account (564 followers) are setup for him.
There's even a YouTube video making fun, mimicking him as he spoke, repeating the line,
Pursuant to Section 49, Sub Section 70, Paragraph A of the Parliamentary Act, I hereby declare...
when announcing the individual polling results.
In my opinion, Mr Yam is merely doing a job, one which is serious and demands minimal mistakes when announcing names of candidates, especially in front of national TV. Looking neutral is important to show he is not in favour of any party. Kudos to him!
GE’s accidental internet star [via]
Sunday, May 08, 2011
The 10 commandments of good source control management
A blog article which talks about the 10 commandments of good source control management is definitely worthy for a read.
The 10 commandments of good source control management [via]
- Stop right now if you’re using VSS – just stop it!
- If it’s not in source control, it doesn’t exist
- Commit early, commit often and don’t spare the horses
- Always inspect your changes before committing
- Remember the axe-murderer when writing commit messages
- You must commit your own changes – you can’t delegate it
- Versioning your database isn’t optional
- Compilation output does not belong in source control
- Nobody else cares about your personal user settings
- Dependencies need a home too
The 10 commandments of good source control management [via]
Singapore General Election 2011 - Results At a Glance
Results by seats
People's Action Party (PAP) - 81 parlimentary seats
Workers' Party (WP) - 6 parlimentary seats
Natonality Solidarity Party (NSP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Reform Party (RP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Singapore People's Party (SPP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) - 0 parlimentary seat
Share of valid votes
PAP - 60.14%
WP - 12.82%
NSP - 12.04%
SDP - 4.83%
RP - 4.28%
SPP - 3.11%
SDA - 2.78%
GRCs 2011
Aljunied GRC
Ang Mo Kio GRC
Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC
Chua Chu Kang GRC
East Coast GRC
Holland-Bukit Timah GRC
Marine Parade GRC
Moulmein-Kallang GRC
Nee Soon GRC
Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC
Sembawang GRC
Tampines GRC
West Coast GRC
SMCs 2011
Bukit Panjang
Hong Kah North
Joo Chiat
Potong Pasir
Punggol East
Radin Mas
Sengkang West
Tanjong Pagar GRC
PAP: Seated
For more information, go to
People's Action Party (PAP) - 81 parlimentary seats
Workers' Party (WP) - 6 parlimentary seats
Natonality Solidarity Party (NSP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Reform Party (RP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Singapore People's Party (SPP) - 0 parlimentary seat
Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) - 0 parlimentary seat
Share of valid votes
PAP - 60.14%
WP - 12.82%
NSP - 12.04%
SDP - 4.83%
RP - 4.28%
SPP - 3.11%
SDA - 2.78%
GRCs 2011
Aljunied GRC
Ang Mo Kio GRC
Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC
Chua Chu Kang GRC
East Coast GRC
Holland-Bukit Timah GRC
Marine Parade GRC
Moulmein-Kallang GRC
Nee Soon GRC
Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC
Sembawang GRC
Tampines GRC
West Coast GRC
SMCs 2011
Bukit Panjang
Hong Kah North
Joo Chiat
Potong Pasir
Punggol East
Radin Mas
Sengkang West
Tanjong Pagar GRC
PAP: Seated
For more information, go to
Singapore General Election 2011 - Results Breakdown
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