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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Unlink Skype from

It is time to find a way to find out how to stop Skype from logging in automatically whenever I visits for the sake of just wanting to check my email. This is just so infringing my privacy!

To disable Skype from logging in automatically, you will need to unlink Skype from your Microsoft account. This is how you can do it:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Under Settings and preferences, click Account settings
  3. Beside your Microsoft account, click on Unlink

I hope this helps.

» How do I unlink my Skype account from my Microsoft or Facebook account? | Skype Help

Friday, September 25, 2015

How do we interpret PM2.5 value?

The haze condition in Singapore worsens especially on yesterday when the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) breached hazardous level. PSI is used and well known in Singapore as an air quality descriptor. Another important descriptor not to be over-sighted is the PM2.5 level which is a dominant pollutant during haze episodes. The smaller PM2.5 particles can pass through the smaller airways and travel deep into the lungs.

How do we interpret PM2.5 and at which level should we be cautious?

PM2.5 (µg/m3)PSI (Singapore)Health Concerns
0 - 120 - 50Good
12.1 - 35.451 - 80Moderate
35.5 - 55.481 - 100Unhealthy for sensitive groups
55.5 - 150.4101 - 200Unhealthy
150.5 - 250.4201 - 300Very unhealthy
250.5 - 350.4301 - 400Hazardous
350.5 - 500.4401 - 500Very hazardous

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What is 'Emotionally Intelligent'?

I recently came to watch a webinar on 'Understand the Human Factors in Project Management for Success' by Muhammad Mirza. There is one particular presentation slide on the definition of 'Emotionally Intelligent' which I find particularly interesting. It defines as:

  1. You have Emotionally Vocabulary
  2. You are curious about people
  3. You embrace change
  4. You know your strengths & weaknesses
  5. You are a good judge of character
  6. You are difficult to offend
  7. You know how to say no
  8. You let go of mistakes
  9. You give & expect nothing in return
  10. You don't hold grudges
  11. Your neutralize toxic people
  12. You don't seek perfection
  13. You appreciate what you have
  14. You disconnect with work regularly
  15. You get enough sleep
  16. You stop negative self talk
  17. You won't let any limit your joy

Monday, September 21, 2015

Skype is down is still working #skypedown

Skype seems to be experiencing a global outage with desktop users, including myself, having reported unable to login. While waiting for the service to be up again, you may try to login through their web version - instead.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Sim Ann speech at People's Action Party (PAP) rally, 7 Sep 2015

Watch Sim Ann's rally speech, described as a speech "dripping with sarcasm" against her opponent in the election contest, Dr Chee Soon Juan. Ms Sim Ann remarked Dr Chee "chu pattern".

I feel that in the whole of Singapore, if Dr Chee claims to be second-best in "chu pattern", no one would dare claim to be number one.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Lim Ee Ping at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 4 Sep 2015 #GE2015

Watch Lim Ee Ping insulting Singapore's founding father Mr Lee Kuan Yew a liar and current Foreign & Law Minister K. Shanmugam a dog.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Chee Soon Juan at Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) rally, 3 Sep 2015 (Hokkein) #GE2015

You may also want to read Chee Soon Juan's rally in English.

Chen Jiaxi Bernard at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 3 Sep 2015 #GE2015

Chee Soon Juan at Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) rally, 3 Sep 2015

Powerful Speaker. Passionate, Composed, Sincere.

You may also want to read Chee Soon Juan's rally in Hokkein.

Sylvia Lim at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 3 Sep 2015

He Ting Ru at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 3 Sep 2015

Leon Perera at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 3 Sep 2015

Han Hui Hui heckled at her rally - Guy shouting 'No' to voting for her

A guy spotted shouting 'No' to voting for Independent Candidate for Radin Mas, Han Hui Hui. This just sums up her campaign.

Singapore GE 2015 - Party Political Broadcast 1

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Pritam Singh speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Png Eng Huat speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Gerald Giam speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Chan Chun Sing speech at People's Action Party (PAP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Rousing and impactful speech

Lee Hsien Loong speech at People's Action Party (PAP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Sounds a bit like another National Day Rally or Budget speech.

Cheryl Loh speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Daniel Goh speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Koh Choong Yong speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Sylvia Lim speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Chen Show Mao speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

Low Thia Khiang speech at Workers' Party (WP) rally, 2 Sep 2015

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